No, Antonio!

The problem, I think, is that we are so polar at this point we really need the people to own up to what things are and be deliberate about their actions. Would be so much nicer to hear ”Yeah that was a tradition, but it was also kinda racist and so we decided to cut it out because we’re better than that.”

He didn’t know that. He found Lyanna and Jon after the rebellion was over and Rhaegar was dead.

The most infuriating thing was that the Sansa vs. Arya bait and switch was completely USELESS as they didn’t even bring it up during the surprise Trial of Littlefinger. It only served the purpose of catching him off guard, as the Starks continued to throw accusations at him without any physical evidence but using

God, that whole plot line was so contrived. WHAT THE FVCK WAS THE POINT OF THE ARYA vs SANSA SCENE FROM LAST WEEK? Why did they have a fight? Was Littlefinger ALWAYS watching them? I hate it so so so so so so so much.

hell yeah......that’s why i watch sportscenter......standings...i fuckin love to wait 20 minutes to see a static image of something i can also find by googling “baswba;; standibgs” while on the treadmill without breaking stride

I have been broken by Kinja.