You could care less? Or couldn’t? Because those are two different things and it reads like you should have used “couldn’t”.
You could care less? Or couldn’t? Because those are two different things and it reads like you should have used “couldn’t”.
How does the distribution method affect the quality of the album?
Also, he only pulls out those ostentatious flourishes when talking to crims to throw them off. He doesn’t speak that way to his wife, his step-daughter, or to Neill.
I love that she says it right in front of Ralph. He’s right there!
Not affiliated with the Canadian Randian prog-rockers.
Maybe you didn’t read it properly - the headline is stating that this take on the story is BS.
Conservatives often miss this - the welfare state keeps the rich safe. If impoverished Billy isn’t getting by, because there are no handouts to be had to help put food on his table, he may (rightly?) decide that he’s justified in robbing rich Percival’s ass.
The first was kind of a “let’s record all those songs that didn’t make the cut for the last 3 Oasis albums!” deal. Their second album is way better - “Flick of the finger” a highlight.
Stardust is my favourite of his works.
This is my face while you’re getting butthurt.
“As we promised, all your comments on Disqus will migrate over to the new site, and you’ll see those start trickling in tomorrow.”
Word is Netflix doesn't do notes.
Aw. I thought those were links.
Trump is a TV star. His supporters don't get to complain about him getting all this coverage now, when he's chased fame his entire life.
It's not without its own problems:
To tie into the "Byrne is an a-hole" comments above, Byrne had a similar thought but phrased it much more poorly:
Kirby did draw the cover to Amazing Fantasy #15 though.
People tend to say "It's an 'omage", but "Paying homage" (like hommidge).
First I encountered the word was the Simpsons; the episode where we're introduced to Homer's mum and her back-story. Her hippie crew destroys Monty Burns' chemical weapons lab, and he yells at them "Your flower-power is no match for my glower-power! Guuhh!"
And Sia dictates that singers of her songs follow her demo guide vocal exactly - Rihanna can actually do that.