Noam Schlongsky

I thought this too and wondered why they were repeating the unfunny joke of referring to him as the clown from the band when they're both clowns.

The fake teams should tip you off to the fact that this is not set in our world - hence the rules of the game can be different.

"He's trying to make Nixon a Shakespearean figure, when in reality he was just a ratbag."

Science has proven that enjoyment is higher on a rewatch.

Read in John Oliver's voice.

I just like that it's saying religion is BS.

"What time and how burnt?"

That's who we're talking about, bud. Dino's comment was about Jill Stein, Stein was raised by Farris, and affirmed by Just Ask.

Here you go:

They're both terrible.

Has Beyonce had a decent song sinceā€¦ "Put my love on top" back in - wow - 2011?

One of my favourite Oasis songs. So many classic lines.

"Wonderwall is overplayed but its a brilliant pop song. Oasis is saddled their whole career with Beatles comparisons" - and Wonderwall (the song that made them most of their money) doesn't sound like any Beatles song.

That's delicious.

Be Here Now, mate.

No more really than most guitar bands.

To be fair, jazz is complete rubbish.

In the book he's a huge Nirvana fan and tries to kill himself after Cobain suicides.

joanie loves cache

A much better song in every way.