Zappa? Republican.
Zappa? Republican.
That's because I wasn't on Twitter then.
I don't love them but In Rainbows has at least a few tracks that stand out, and might be a way for the band to get into your heart.
Hey, Australia doesn't have an epidemic of cops killing innocent non-white folks.
They're from a very white, churchy part of Sydney. They're outliers.
He got punk'd.
I'm constantly surprised to find out some other thing that Nixon did that was ahead of the time. Whether it be on the environment, civil rights, or the war on drugs - he'd today be to the left of the Democrats.
Oasis - from Def Maybe to Standing on the Shoulder of Giants; unbeatable.
Don't forget Uncle Cracker.
He's a Republican, yeah?
Or poring, even.
Not even Everlong, legitimately one of the 100 best songs of all time?
Uhm, Beady Eye music, mate.
Yeah, it's a painful band, consisting of two incredibly punchably-faced guys, and two forgettable guys.
What's a mook?
I can't speak for the good doctor, but for me the physical buttons of an iPod make it a winner over the touchscreen controls of an iPhone - adjusting volume is one thing but skipping tracks on a device without having to look at it is a must, particularly when it's kept in pocket.
Why does every band member need to provide creative input anyway?
Eh? Alan White always had hair, and still had it when he and the band parted ways. They got rid of him because he was being a bit of an arse, possibly because the band (read: Noel) was utilising drum loops, and writing songs that didn't need the "classic" Oasis bombastic drum sound.
He's posh and not from Manchester, so I don't buy your claim.