
my original point was basically agreeing with @miggity that the term "data hog" is ISP/Telecom smear tactics, especially if we are talking about use south of 5 gigs/month.

Matt, from the Verizon data capping article on Giz you linked to:

None of what you mentioned really uses up much data at all.

Are there limits to what is reasonable on a pocket computer? Why give me Netflix, Spotify, Amazon cloud streaming, Google Music etc if I'm told that once I start using them I am suddenly a "data hog?"

When I got my Nexus One through T-Mobile at launch I wound up with a truly unlimited plan. I'm terrified to upgrade my phone because because I'm sure they'll find a way to force me into a 4G unlimited but really soft throttled plan.

Their version of the cloud doesn't stream though. It downloads your music to the device so storage is still a concern.

I know this article is ultimately about that product but I think the interesting answer is often people like the vibrations.

I think what they really learned is that what women want is WINE. And they can't manufacture, sell, distribute and serve wine as cheaply and efficiently as beer, so this is what they come up with. This is the marketing offices driving product initiatives.

checking right now. Tiesto- yes, AVB - yes, Solar Fields - yes, William Orbit - yes, Hybrid - yes, Junkie XL - yes. Dude this service started out in Europe so of course it is full of electronica.

If you want to pirate music, you have better and higher quality options than trying to rip from Spotify. It's not fineprint that you lose your offline music if you cancel. Think of it more like Netflix. It is a rental model. Either you get the free version, or you pay $10 a month to have the music utility tap open

you don't buy anything. It is Netflix for music with social features. If you don't want to be social there is a huge catalog of music that you can stream in full with no strings attached. If you don't want to pay you can do about 10 hours a month and hear a few ads. If you pay $5 you can have unlimited streaming,

consider that Netflix sees your behavior as a larger trend and is trying to get a whole bunch of people to switch to streaming only.

the official app addressed that a couple of updates ago. It shows up in your @ mentions timeline.

That's a really smart point. I agree this is an active push to divide their user base and have some real data on who wants what. Most people took the middle ground streaming plus 1 DVD plan. Now they can really show the studios one way or another whether consumers wants discs or streaming. If even 20% of users

#1 - my taste might be awful but I really like the streaming selection and can't seem to manage my queue to be under 100 movies. I wonder how many people complaining below about the 28 day embargo on new releases are the same people who complain on Giz posts about piracy that the studios make nothing good enough to

rather than a six month product cycle it had been heavily rumored Apple wants to introduce new ipads in the fall. That way people won't feel cheated after getting an ipad gift for xmas, Apple is ready to unveil the new one. If they are planning a variant pro model, that is a good enough way to get people used to

no, the question Jyosua is asking is super relevant. If you want to upgrade to 4G goodness are they going to consider that a whole "new plan" and use that as a way to convert current unlimited customers? Grandfathering usually only applies to a current plan.

Unfortunately many of the ram hogging apps, including all of Google's native apps CAN'T be transferred to the SD card. It is infinitely frustrating as a Nexus One owner.

1) I enjoy the light/dark mechanics in the game a lot. The way you need to cross over into the dark to solve puzzles and defeat enemies makes it more interesting than a simple me-too carryover from Alan Wake.

I beat inFamous 2 yesterday in anticipation of having all my free gaming time ready for this. I'm in!