
@Digo: It is oxygen from how the water is pushed to your pipes which makes NYC tap temporarily cloudy.

@Tired_: I would pay an insane premium for a 160gig SSD touch. I just think I'm unfortunately a market of one.

@Sverre.: That's not the taste of NYC tap at all. I've lived here most of my life. That was probably the filtering system of whatever hotel you were staying at, or another external variable.

@Accordion: Kind of. Not to the same extent. It is a colored symbol on a black controller, and often in games the tutorials favor the symbols over the colors.

Music obsesso nerds like me need storage. I can't predict my whims. I'm the guy in the age of CDs who had a 100 cd wallet in his backpack because I have no idea what I would want to hear. The 160 gigger is running out of space at a frightening clip.

@Rav Gar: It does. The x factor is always the building's pipes, not the water itself.

@otus: NYC actually has some of the cleanest tap water in the entire country. Google for it.

@PlaidNinja: I was just thinking the same thing.

@Trickyhop: In normal play, sure. In the heat of battle, or the wacky guitar hero mini-game they throw into the middle of 3? Naw, I still have to sometimes look down and think. And I fancy myself a gamer. I can only imagine how much harder this is for someone with less experience.

HATE losing the colored buttons. I see why they think this looks better aesthetically but ugh, no.

@bob_d: True that.

@Powerlurker: I haven't had a problem in a while, but when I first got the box it was a nightmare. And simply updating catalyst wasn't good enough. I had to uninstall it, restart, let my computer think i had a "generic graphics controller" and then install the updated catalyst cold.

@nicolasgoddone: I'd say MSFT is less guilty of FUD as much as they are now using the same tactics used against them.

Yes! Someone who isn't Stuart Gordon trying to adapt Lovecraft.

@slowurroll: I'm a fan of ATI's hardware and value, but Catalyst needs to die.

@dcc183: Amen. And may I add VICTORY who make my beloved 9% Belgian style Golden Monkey.

I want to do something like this (but more to my own style) when I buy.

@OutlawDominus: Do you live in a major city? Would recommend New York, Seattle, San Fran, Portland or Austin for awesome single nerdy girls.