
@OutlawDominus: Oh it is 2010 and there are PLENTY of attractive nerd females out there looking for a good geek man.

The LRRR bling when he went out in da club was my favorite moment.

Wow, well this is a game whose franchise name (none of their 3D games were worth playing) was completely making me ignore, but now I'm pumped!

@posts: Dude, in some states it is now illegal to take a camera-phone photo of an on-duty police officer doing his/her job!

The Link is gorgeous and if that is all he had done, would have been worthy of its own post. That whole thing is epic, and I love the Fallout pip-boy as well.

Considering how mash-up heavy this game is, including Chamillionaire's "Ridin Dirty" without also including Weird Al's "White and Nerdy" is a missed opportunity.

Nice! After finishing Bayonetta I am looking for another fun Japanese action game to scratch the itch I didn't know I had.

They're going to have to do a hell of a lot more than amass a decent back-catalog to tear into the Netflix market share, especially with how much catalog TV Watch Instantly has.

@BadJoJo: Have they also revived the Monkees and Lancelot Link Secret Chimp? That's probably worth $10/month.

@TheNobleRobot: Sir or Madame, because I so infrequently actually laugh at loud at a witty thread, I want to bestow upon you an actual genuine LOL.

"Here's hoping the courts can differentiate between a funny parody Twitter account and the act of actually tarnishing someone's reputation."

Wow, I guess I should finally go ahead and play the first one.

I've gone through many different brands through the years (had a huge Etymotic phase and I use their filters for my earplugs) but I think Shure is still doing the best work in the in-ear space.

One of the reasons we haven't moved to more mainstream digital delivery on consoles (like the PC has with Steam) is the fear of alienating GAMESTOP.

@Jordyce: I can look at that all day.

I loved this episode but I want to add something about the V trip.

@confusedpublic: yeah the backhanded-ness of it all is why I have been saying it felt "cynical."

@FritzLaurel: Before the season six debacle I bought seasons 1-5 on blu ray for $108 when Amazon was having a black friday sale.

@IndustrialJones: ha! Just got back from a trip where my girlfriend and I were staying with another couple. All of us were from out of town. The combo of my Nexus One and their iPad was a good complimentary combo. Especially in the car. My N1 was awesome for turn by turn while we had the whole google map laid out