
@xGhost4000x: why even lock it to the CD/DVD in the first place then?

Now playing

Those are quite the Block Rockin' Beats!!

@patentauthority: Although I tend to agree you can't hear the difference between a well encoded mp3 and the source wave a lot of it has to do with how and where the source was recorded.

A bunch of studies (some you can google for and try yourself) show that you really can't hear the difference between a 320kb mp3 and the source wave file. I can certainly hear the difference between 16 bit and 24 bit wave files, but releasing your music in that format is niche at best.

@Mickets: heh, that wouldn't go over in my office :-)

awwwww, I was hoping the correction would be "Epic Games scores Costner for 3rd Gears game."

@Mickets: My biggest issue is if I force myself awake, I get hyper drowsy early-mid afternoon and then have coordination and memory issues. I become pretty much useless. That extra hour or two of sleep solves the problem.

That's pretty great. A lot of professional audio software uses almost the exact same DRM. Although it can be circumvented it is not brutally punishing to the user. It is quite painless.

@OfficerJesus: In Game Informer either one or two issues ago they said it was officially dead.

@OfficerJesus: they will announce neither. For a reason I don't fully understand they shitcanned the PC port a while ago.

@Farproc: Flash 10.1 optimized for phones is only in closed beta right now.

@kylehayes: not yet. 10.1 for Android is not in public beta yet. I'm eagerly awaiting my invite.

@xfelixmorganx: If the reports are true, 3DS will probably be out this OCTOBER.

@ttocs: you should probably try to ignore it long enough to see what's what with the 3DS.

@pfernando27: Neither would I *but* this looks like something fun to pick up in the off season after the price drops.

I'm starting to love the entire Crytek team.

@smi1ey: No FPS game goes past 3 They just go "reach" or "ODST."

@jargy1: and do this all perpetually under the radar just to find one parent who cares enough about his kid to cut off a finger and drink poison.

I thought this was going to be a post about Sneak King.

Xbox would have been death.