
This game is fantastic and I would love to see more and more iPhone game reviews here.

@FanBuoy: I own a PSP and a DS and just got a Touch. It is a surprisingly good gaming machine if you have the right games, as good as the other two portables on the market. Tetris is awesome, Katamari is awesome, Wolfenstein is awesome, iDracula is awesome, etc etc etc etc.......the more reasons that seasoned

@ConfuciusMax: That's what I did. I can't live without my BlackBerry so I bought the touch as I hate to say it, everything I wanted my PSP to be but isn't.

I heart Katamari with great controls (after an update or two) for 8 bucks. Made me miss my subway stop. Nuff said.

@outinthedark: What is the advantage to dl'ing on your PC versus the 360? You upload it via flash drive?

@BlueWizard422: Same here. Wish it was on PS3 as well now. Microsoft already repaired my 360 but sent it back to me via the pony express. UPS forecasts over a week to make it here.

Has there ever been a hi five for sharing hosts? Anything that is free and better than rapidshare or yousendit? I want something with a higher than 100 meg limit that won't give me tons of ads or annoyance...

The winning band opens for the B-52s and earns $10,000. I wonder if the B-52s make $10,000 a gig.

Twisted Sister- Heavy Metal Christmas. I bet they would let it go for cheap, too.......

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law - Aleister Crowley

Two thoughts: This is a terrible use of the DS for Ghostbusters. The better one was the earlier reported story that the DS can be used in the Wii version as a PKE meter.

@imperfexion: Decent on the PS3 without a required install. I played Oblivion and Mass Effect on 360 and this is not NEARLY as bad. Also it seems to cache locations when you will be going in and out a bunch. I am finding in Megaton that frequently entered areas only had the longer load the first time I went in.

@3xch4ng3: WTF is this not in every single game now? Its 2008. I hate that when my girlfriend comes over while I'm in the middle of Silent Hill Homecoming she has to wait 25 minutes for me to find the next save rune. Save anywhere technology exists now. Forget atmosphere. Please adapt to the modern lifestyle and

@niindre: I know this thread is a bit stale now, but I hated Oblivion and never liked most RPGs. The only two RGPs I ever truly loved were Paper Mario and Mass Effect. And two hours into Fallout3 so far I love it. The two things I mostly hate about RPGs are the complicated combat and attribute management. So far,

Also have tons of issues with this on PS3. I really want it to be great but I have not gotten Netflix to work (all the movies in my instant queue show up with thumb nails but I get the data corrupted message) and Hulu works about half the time. DLNA errors galore. Are these problems due to PlayOn or the PS3? I

Dear Sierra, please dump everything on here. I'm not just talking about Police and Space Quests. I need a place to play MANHUNTER. Both of them. Thankee!

The one thing I would love is for MS to reinstate "filmstrip view" for folders with pictures.

Zombie Mansion- the best mummy and wizard shooting game that can be made with a Wolfenstein 3d level editor!

Silent Hill, got very aggravated by the first boss, then stopped playing.

I am in the market for a new keyboard at home. I'm a huge fan of the Microsoft Natural ergonomic at the office, but this article hipped me to that Logitech. I love the idea of both the backlighting and the modifiable LCD.