
PAGING THE RESIDENTS OF SILENT HILL: Stop leaving save runes around town and learn from your Zombie killing friends in Africa!

@equazcion: Thanks for the explanation and the link. That program looks hot. I'm going to take it for a spin.

What is the benefit of a standalone wi-fi app as opposed to the one built into my OS? Not trolling, genuinely curious as I just got my first personal laptop to supplement my desktop.

Vote: Utorrent

I do love how quick everything loads.

Where specifically is the Chinatown Fair?

Siren. I played the first three chapters last night. Pretty great.

@dynosaulo: Rock Band 2 is getting.....PANIC ATTACK!!!

@noamjamski: My suggestion: screw the ESA, E3, this whole event and ramp piggy back everything onto Comic-Con which is now a cross media crafts fair anyways.————-yikes, an edit function would be great. Or uhhh I should proofread before hitting submit...

I blame Apple for the whole thing. Steve Jobs turned the idea of a press conference into a three ring circus with tons of secret guerrilla announcements. Microsoft came the closest with the whole NETFLIX! FREE! TONIGHT! thing but no one would have been satisfied with a Nintendo press conference that did any less

@Gloibin: Ha! I totally agree. I love this game, I play it on the subway on the way to work and it definitely gets my mind moving. However for Echochrome 2 they definitely need to perfect the perspective jump. I've given up on trying to line things up right and just swing the camera around until I land