As long as the country she lives in is controlled by religious dogma there will be no happy ending.
As long as the country she lives in is controlled by religious dogma there will be no happy ending.
Not a news story in the strictest sense, but I refuse to see "Avatar." My husband and I thought it looked dumb from the trailers, but that hasn't stopped us from seeing movies before. Then we saw a clip where the girl alien is yelling at the boy alien in their language and crying and my husband said, "We are NEVER…
I think you mean armpit spears. To be used against rapists.
Help me understand here—is Wilson suggesting that using a black model would make this not crazy racist? Because I don't know if a black model could save a shoot that employs uninformed, inspecific "tribeswoman chic" conceived by a white dude from "really pretty racist" territory, but perhaps I'm missing something?
Why not? Is a threat of going to hell all that different from a threat of being branded a bad wife or a bad mother, for example, for those who earnestly believe those are dire consequences? I'm no fan of organised religion but the willful ignorance and/or misunderstanding of its variance around the world by determined…
You don't seem to understand the stakes involved here. Kenya is a country where recalcitrant women are still burned as witches. Where of 75% women have been the victims of domestic violence and the majority of women still believe it's acceptable for men to beat their wives. Where it's ok for a male mayor to slap a…
Flesh colored is the best...those people who are inside out are icky.
I totally didn't make that mental leap to big tits, and was horrified by what bug tits could mean. I'm so embarrassed, especially as it doesn't require so much a mental leap as a slight mental side step.
"Set the makeup gun to whore?" Really?
I would think this makes more sense..
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with an egg is a good guy with a gun
Confession: My first reaction to this was, "Aww, I hope they make really good looking, fierce eyebrowed, badass babies together." Then I remembered how biology works.
My boyfriend and I went grocery shopping on V-Day this year. We passed flowers and he said "I could get you flowers, but I figured you'd like wine more". He was right.
*clap* I agree.
But that reinforces the idea that rape threats are within bounds. It's so important that we have male voices backing us up on the notion that it's not okay to exploit women's oppression to win a stupid fucking rap battle, or for any other reason. It is not okay for men to use the fact of female oppression for their…
While I sort of get your sentiment, I appreciate any and all genuine public shows of alliance and outrage, especially from men who aren't misogynists.
Nice job with the misleading headline... the ultra-Orthodox being up in arms is not the same thing as "Israeli Jews" being up in arms (the latter implies that a large swath of Israeli-society is opposed, not just the ultra-Orthodox). If one were to take the opinions of the ultra-Orthodox and apply them to Israelis as…
As an Israeli Jew from Jerusalem... this is the first I've heard of it.