
Yes the line does have to be drawn somewhere, but where the line is drawn is already problematic. It already gives corporations too much power and ability to bully artists. And the problem is these arguments against AI art are suggesting pushing that line further in the wrong direction. Making it so copyright can be

This! Blatantly mimicking other people’s style is pretty much the entire history of art. Jhonen Vasquez was inspired by Tim Burton, Vincent van Gogh was inspired by Japanese ukiyo-e, while Picasso was influenced by African art. No artist in history can claim their style is 100% their own, and they certainly didn’t

This is factually incorrect and doesn’t even pass a basic logic test: if AI is just storing and ‘collaging’ existing art, why is the offline (offline remember, once training is done, you dont need internet to run one of these) training data from hundreds of gigabytes to terabytes of art data, only a few gigs or even

This is always going to be a super problematic argument because what critics of AI art don’t want to admit is that human artists train themselves on vast amounts of copyrighted work with “no consent, no credit, and no compensation”. There are thousands of artists who have learned to ape other artists styles, and based

People aren’t “looking for reasons” to be angry. People are rightfully angry over transphobia, and this game is based on the franchise created by one of the world’s most visible transphobes. And fuuuuuuuuuck you and your stance of “ignore it and it’ll go away”. That’s not how social change works. The trans community

Its interesting you mention automation. I worked in tool and die for a bit and the comparison i used in my mind to draw those conclusions was what likely happened to drafting/metalwork when we invented CAD software..... This is a video game site though so lets do that.

Yes and no. While it’s very true that AI art needs human-made art to exist in the first place, the common perception of that the AI is simply chopping up bit of existing art and stitching it together, is wrong.

It’s a device for people with disabilities or lefties or other issues that allows tailoring the controller specifically to the needs of the player. A niche item, true, but one of those things that should always be available to somebody somewhere as long as gaming exists.

I don’t agree with that. Because you can specify the text prompts to include one or more named artists, and the results in my experience do not look “stolen”. It’s very clear that it takes strong color, lineart and composition references from the artists you name, if you do, but you can examine their gallery of work

I see your gripe. And I will observe that you may be right about the origin of it. But in truth, if you look back at a lot of technological marvels that we consider to be basic necessities today, they were created for the wrong reasons by the wrong people initially. But later on, the mass adoption of the public of

Seriously, when humans create art they don’t literally layer a bunch of picture one on top of the others and start tracing over the bunch of them using smoothing tool to better blend their features.

I find I can’t agree with your reasoning. It comes down to an age old argument. Is any art entirely unique? Or is all art derivative? I believe the latter. I believe that not a single artist in human existence has ever created art that didn’t take from someone else. We as humans, are simply incapable of perceiving

That is very much how I feel about it! I remember I used to engage in DeviantArt and other art communities whenever I uploaded something, long ago, and it always felt like a challenge to be seen amongst endless professional artists and creators. And at some point, I just lost the drive to put 10-20 hours or more into

I’m in a similar situation - I’ve got a really bad essential tremor, and using a pencil, paintbrush or any other similar device is extremely difficult and can be very painful for me as well. I can usually handle a larger mouse or other devices like it, but anything that requires me to really pinch my fingers and

That’s not entirely true. As it stands, yes, you could “generate” art by throwing a salad of words into any present AI art service, and 15 seconds later, publish that piece of art. And yes, that leaves you wanting when you examine this particular piece, more often than not.

Right there with you on the last part. 10 years ago I was doing art constantly and ended up with the usual problems of posting your work online, its a popularity contest. So I stopped posting stuff as often but slowly also just started making less. I still do make stuff, just gone from weekly to yearly some times. But

That is genuinely refreshing to hear. It has occurred to me, the significance of this tool for people who struggle with physical challenges that would impede them from creating art in the traditional way. I am very happy for you! I really can’t wait to hear what many others who share similar difficulties make of this

As someone with dysgraphia (I cannot write with a pen, or draw/paint for more than 5 minutes at a time without getting crippling pain in my hands), I have struggled my entire life with the desire to draw and create art, and being unable to actually learn it as a skill. The last few months has been a revelation for me,

You’re very loud and one-note in your indiscriminate condemnation of AI art. Which in some ways, makes it cathartic to know that AI art is here to stay. It is a bigger technological evolution than going from pen and paper to digital was for art.

So do you want us to just laugh and say “Nazis gonna Nazi” and let him just leave. No one I saying lock him in prison and throw away the key but a night in jail may enlighten him a bit. But I bet his bail was posted and he’s out already. Hell have to go to court for his crime and since he is young, white and this was