
Funerals in the rain seems to be some superhero cliche - Batman Begins, The Amazing Spiderman, Smallville, and now the Flash.

Saving his mom really just negated the lesson he learned from the speed force about letting go of his mom's death………he basically learned nothing.

such a dumb episode:

Dick measuring never made sense, most men are big enough to fill most women.

Daredevil. Flash is a distant second. The rest are awful.

What happened to this show? Season 1 was good, 2 was great. Then 3 really sucked, and this seemed to continue the dive.

The "Mama's Family" scene made this the best season finale of the year.

"….the quirky and creative…" ugh, no thanks.

That is weird, Korean pop culture seems to be the dominant trend setter among Asians in general.

Its a great show and its nice to see media in America where an Asian woman whose partner is actually Asian. More often than not, its some white guy.

Chopper is awesome. He has a personality. Chill out.

Just my opinion and observation is that real romantic love is genuinely rare. Valuing, respecting someone else's life, time, choices is pretty rare. Infatuation/passion is dirt common on the other hand. A faithful and honest person who isn't hung up on the past becomes rarer as you get older.

How he acts is the red flag. As far as looks go, he isn't ugly, he isn't ridiculously good looking either.

its shitty to pretentious privileged people who don't have a clue what a real problem is so they make up problems

I agree, it seems to be a trend among Millennials to treat reviews as a personal therapy session. It just seems so self centered, but fits with the generation of selfies.

Its a brilliant movie. Trashing Nolan seems to be the in vogue thing to do for some reason.

You'd find reality "trying too hard"? If you've spent any time around Indian people and people of Indian descent - first born generation - you'll see Indian-Indian pairs, Indian-other Asian (Chinese, Vietnamese, etc) pairs, and the least common - by far - is Indian-white pairs.

…….but he watches Bollywood movies as well which have plenty of romance in them. Plus he lives in a diverse area, its not like it would be hard to find a person of Indian descent, either an immigrant or first generation born in America.

Why are all Raj's potential love interests white? Mindy Kaling has the same deal too.

Opinions are subjective, that is a given.