
" struggles to make peace with the knowledge that we are all fundamentally alone"
so this movie is for emo teens and depressed people?
anyone who cheats emotionally and/or physically is scum, there is no justification for it, there is nothing fascinating about it

Not a surprise, Disney probably wanted to play it safe with their big investment.

Greatest show of all time. "endless slumper" is the best episode

I kept thinking, why is he wasting time beating up the Goofy afterwards, I guess he is letting out frustration, but c'mon Spike!

I don't care what critics say, the Rocky movies are great feel good movies, a nice way to spend 2 hours during the day. And this trailer looks phenomenal.

you can watch CSI

I disliked those hints, it seemed totally off base compared to the way she acted around him in the first two movies - she seemed clinical and detached - nothing to suggest any past between them.


Viggo would be an awesome villain, but I thought his days of being in these kind of tentpole movies were over.

No, his points sound disingenuous. The type of SJW who proclaims being ashamed of his gender so he can score points to get laid.

This was a ridiculous analysis. This is likely going to be a limited series run, and I applaud that. Stuff actually happens, characters die, there are consequences. It would have been odd for Ben or Karen not to have suffered any consequence.

Foggy and Karen were friends, like brother and sister, what more did you want?

Cavanaugh is a fantastic actor. Reverse Flash is SOOO cool.

A visit to the local urologist would have been less dramatic.

Felicity is so annoying. Terrible character



Mark is a moron. Beth looks like the kind of person whose looks will age well. Becca's won't - that coupled with her selfish personality, what a idiot Mark was.

Just saw them. That is better, but doesn't explain why he'd be involved with her in the first place.

i wish they would show Case Histories in the States. Only seen series 1.