
An underlying theme of the series seems to be how unchecked sexual desire leads to destruction.

cheaters always play the victim card - some excuse to justify their choice to cheat

I'm not surprised, the evidence presented was enough to leave doubt and they couldn't convict based on that.

Aside from Pippa, none of the Sandbrook people were good people, I disagree with the notion that they just went on bad paths.

so, she's a delusional idiot that saw one too many Nicholas Sparks movies; grass is never greener, he'll leave her too and rightfully so, she is a flake

When did CoD ever have "realism"? CoD has always been the equivalent of junk food video gaming. It is fun, but you should only play it for short periods of time.

it was a funny show, ABC should have given it time and marketed it better; I really liked it, it was my favorite new show of the year


I was 5 yrs old when this came on tv - I was scared. I'm a wuss.

ugh, just stop

first world problems

Jay's show on youtube, Jay's Garage is actually really entertaining. I understand people didn't love him, but he has a sort of comfort brand of humor, same with Fallon which contrasts to Conan and Ferguson who are less mainstream (though I like the two of them better)

why is the idea of kryptonite stupid? there are noxious/poisonous objects/items on this Earth that are deadly to humans, why not something for Superman. Plus if you accept the premise that an alien crash landed on Earth and has super powers and no one knows his real identity because of glasses - can you really draw

title isn't good, neither is your "joke"

The reason this show is popular is quite simple - the first two seasons were genuinely funny (not without problems) but it nose dived after that. But it was comforting to watch the same characters we came to know, its fairly non offensive and so its appeal is broad. It has funny lines and moments sprinkled in so there

exactly, its the haughty stereotype of psychiatrists/ psychologists - basically like Lilith from Frasier, only colder. Quite frankly its just as thin as a stereotype as the "nerd" who can't dress himself, etc that CBS loves to portray

FLOWER BOY NEXT DOOR - is incredible, I'm disappointed with the ending, but still a great show. "Heading to the Ground" is also good. My favorite Taiwanese drama - and the best Asian drama period - is "In Time With You", beautiful story of two friends realizing they belong together

I don't think its all black, the image is filtered. The costume is good except for the fat bat symbol on his chest. The car is too reminiscent of the Batman Forever/Batman & Robin days.

Gracepoint looks like a big step down compared to Broadchurch, the acting quality seems poor.

eva green is beautiful but frightening at the same time, I don't think I could handle that - if I were ever so blessed to have that problem.