
while its nice Raj has a girlfriend, why does she have to be white? why do they keep portraying stereotypes that a person has made it when they date a white woman. white people are not magic or special, just like anyone else. You very rarely see indian-white couples (especially indian guys and white women), if they

agree this is what made New Girl season 3 terrible, all the great things that made Nick and Schmidt unique and funny were erased for mopey relationship guy. Winston was the last funny character - and he wasn't in a relationship.

BTW, thanks for doing "Hear This", its how I first learned about CHVRCHES over a year ago, and this band sounds great as well. I just don't have time anymore to sift through what's good and what stinks.

its a good song, but kind of repetitive, it never really goes anywhere lyrically

its seems like fairly standard non offensive comedy, reasonably successful. I've read here and other places how people love the actress Kaityln Dever who plays the youngest daughter, she's supposed to be some indie queen on track to be the next Jennifer Lawrence (personally I don't see it, she seems pretty average in

you forgot last man standing as still being part of abc comedy lineup

this was bad, really really bad - and I love all things Batman, but wow. I like McKenzie - he was awesome in Southland. He could be a movie star if tried. But this trailer was….ugh. Mentioning "war" over and over, the prophecies of a darkness coming - is this Harry Potter now? Lastly, child acting is almost

ronald mcdonald is for kids - get over it

Seriously, who do they think would build the tech that gets us as a species to space? Its going to be East and South Asians. Problem is when they pick a woman, she is the sex object of the white guy (cause all Asians can't resist the White man, right?) and if they pick a guy he is some repressed, desexualized nerd.

she is beautiful but she looks unhealthy, way too thin.

His entire show - monologue, interviews, skits were all excellent - first late night show that I've ever seen that accomplished that. His interviews were so charming. Ugh, young people are the worst - who cares what they think, they are morons anyway.

kale is so stupid - white people, am I right?

of course they aren't a good person, who would willingly choose to have an affair with a married person? its sad that some people take it as a pass - "oh they were just following their heart or what felt good!" sorry, that is B.S. I wouldn't want to deal with someone who thought it was morally ok to be a part of an

that is reaching for material

i just feel this show ended perfectly last season, this season had a little more to add - and everyone has gotten their stories neatly wrapped up. It was a stretch to keep it going this whole season, I really don't see how they continue for next season. Everything that could be said or done has been. The last scene

Reinventing or reinvigorating a show can work if there are new dynamics to explore - Parks and Rec has explored it all. Its not like Cheers which had Rebecca and the rest of the secondary characters to draw on. There is literally no one left. Except Madison, the cute white woman who had no real purpose on the show

this season was meh….it really should have ended last year, I really can't see what new storylines they are going to eek out. If anything this season was a good stopping point. Everyone found success - Andy, April, Tom, Ben, Leslie, and Ron - married with a son and Duke Silver isn't a secret. What more is there to do

wait - I watch Last Man Standing - how is Eve going to the prom, I thought she was a freshman - who goes to the prom as a freshman? I guess if you have a senior date, but I thought she was dating someone her age.

colored people still find you lame

I realize its just a tv show but what is wrong with Raj's date? she is supposed to be a dermatology resident, she is clearly good looking and she goes out on blind dates with guys like Howard and dates Raj? I guess they addressed that with her "cutting" comments - she must be a closet psycho, if so that sucks, I would