
we aren't - most people in society are cruel and selfish - there are degrees of this, of course, but there is no inherent good in people.

aren't most wedding receptions uncomfortable?

The show is incredibly bland, very white, which is ok if that's your thing. The middle daughter is the only funny one. Everyone keeps talking about Dever but in my opinion, there isn't anything special about her (I've seen Justified and Short Term 12 - I think its the surrounding good story telling that elevates her),

I don't get the hype about Dever - everyone seems in love with her, she just seems bland to me. It seems she picks good material, that's it. I doubt she is destined for bigger things.

Craig Ferguson, Bill Hader, Graham Norton, or Conan

Niles was NOT creepy? did we watch the same show? the fact that Daphne was oblivious to him doesn't deny that the way he hovered over her, smelling her hair, coming to visit his dad/Frasier just so he could see Daphne - that is creepy. Being unhappy in a marriage means you either fix your marriage or get divorced,

the guy who narrates the youtube video is a douche, clearly looking for attention. Secondly, people lose their minds over marijuana while alcohol actually leads to deaths, increases violence in people are already prone to it, etc. and yet alcohol is legal.

then he is a moron, she is gorgeous

Garfield has never been the same since he became skinny

it has the whole back catalogue

The final season of Clone Wars was a masterpiece with the exception of the Jar Jar episodes. I liked the Clovis storyline, it fleshes out Anakin's character. I truly wish we could have seen THIS animated Anakin's fall to the dark side - we have seen him build relationships and be believable, I care about what happens

it didn't load for me until 10 pm central time but it was worth it

why is it the media insists on desexualizing Asians or making them out to be creeps?

making for yet another completely whitewashed show? no thanks

why? are you suggesting white women should have nothing to do with brown guys?

This season has been awesome, I definitely like Sara (hope they get rid of Laurel) BUT the one ludicrous notion is that she could somehow beat up Diggle (mentioned a couple of episodes ago) and how she acts all badass, it comes off a little much, especially from such a petite person - she spent what 4 years at most

ugh, what adult gives a shit? seriously, if you care so much what other people think of your tastes in whatever, you are a categorical loser ; life is short, whatever brings you happiness is good. period

Pooh is better, could kick Paddington's ass

I like the conventional ending, its being told well - nothing wrong with that

so Maggie pretty much married for money, right? the big house, etc.