
Its sad that it took Kristin Chenoweth for you to see the beauty of this song. Nobody will top Judy Garland. She is the most underrated actresses of all time. She had comedic timing (watch Easter Parade and Presenting Lily Mars), dramatic chops (watch The Clock), was beautiful, and of course an all time great singer.

I'm sorry this article is utter B.S. - these are summer popcorn movies - they are meant to be fun - take the maligned MI:2 - its just a good action movie - I love the many zoom in's, it becomes hilarious, it was fun - oh,no! but film snobs can't dissect fun

more importantly, do you agree Encyclopedia Brown would become a sociopath?

Going forward, I don't think Maggie will play much of a role screen time wise. One of the big questions that will lead to answers speaks to Marty's Detective's curse "the answer was in front of you all along" The question being - WHO sexually abused Marty's eldest daughter and what school did she go to? A Tuttle

I think Maggie and Marty deserve each other - both are despicable people. Maggie preyed upon a man she knew was emotionally and mentally fragile and Marty gave into a girl who was a prostitute cashing in on his efforts to help her back in the day.

that was horrifying, the way he was eating the spaghetti - I can see how that would frighten a child, heck his daughters left the room pretty quickly

idealist or realist?

good point, kind of a mutually assured destruction approach

only, Rust seemed upset when it was clear that he was being used, a truly cynical nihilistic person would probably applaud Maggie's efforts rather scream at her to get out. he was clearly hurt.

that is an interesting concept - did she in fact rape Rust? huh, didn't think of that. It was essentially a power play - she got no sexual pleasure out of it.

I disagree, until now they have been doing the unexpected with the relatively quick finding of Ledeux and his death.

Last episode, I thought for sure Rust's drunk/bartender act was just an act and the falling out was a ruse. The writing for this show has been so great, I thought it can't be something obvious, yet they gave in and had Maggie and Rust have sex. This makes me think maybe the writers aren't trying to be too clever, but

exactly, I am disappointed, the writing on this show has been stellar, this however feels cliche

Sure, I'm not naive - but shouldn't we aspire to be better? I don't want to hold to Rust's beliefs about our irrational perception of significance, I would like to think we as a race could show better thought and not just animal instinct

Encyclopedia Brown was awesome when I was in the 2nd grade. Somehow I think he may have ended up a sociopath though. Kind of like Rust.

I was really hoping the rift between Marty and Rust would not be Rust having sex with Maggie b/c that just seemed so obvious - its actually disappointing for a show this well written to take such a cliche approach.

I just don't get what Maggie had to gain by having sex with Rust - and by the way I hate the term "slept with", no sleeping went on. If you are in a bad relationship or want to have sex with someone else, just get a divorce. I understand she wanted to cause him pain, but she demeaned herself and used Rust. Doesn't

its a stupid plot - if she didn't love her husband, tell him its over and leave - then see other men - don't be a monkey, only letting go of one branch once you secure another. And then kill him to be with your lover? weak. She is basically not an adult.

I think Rust being the killer or Marty being the killer would be lazy writing. Its too big of a red herring - everyone thought Rust was the killer since episode 1. I think it has to do with whoever abused Marty's daughter when she was young - her grandfather maybe?

what if Rust's alcoholic/burnt out persona is just an act and this entire time between 2002 and 2010 that he was off the grid he was actually still working the case undercover and Marty knows about it too. What if their whole "falling out" is a ruse to throw everyone off?