
"The comfort and ease of everyday suburban life is numbing Josie"

i loved it

My opinion - Cheers was the best sitcom of all time - at least the early years were. And oddly enough those early years hold up better than Seinfeld does. A lot of early Cheers didn't reference tech of that time or trends for the most part. A decent chunk of Seinfeld's predicaments could be solved with cell phones

then he needs to swap with Corden

I sure the longer version of the story would flesh out some details:

I just saw it today, its a fun movie. Its not sophisticated, its not groundbreaking, but who cares? Its a cheesy creature feature full of corny dialogue, but its fun which is the keyword.

so what?

that would be awesome

I didn't buy the ending……..Jessica seems like the type of Asian mom who wants her kids to marry/date only Chinese girls. It seems out of character that she would be ok with Allison.

is it me or is Jamie waaaaay out of Claire's league? She is nice looking, but Jamie is next level good looking.

Game 7 of the NBA western conference finals and Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals is tonight. Either one trumps anything else.

really? its just about immature people who cheat, they aren't fascinating, just children

…….because all adult thumbs are standardized?? I think you're proving my point.

Makes sense - the average vagina is designed to accommodate the average penis, the vagina can stretch but there are limits of comfort.

I still don't understand how anyone can perform that without throwing up.

that gruff attitude is kind of understandable, he'd been a prisoner for nearly a year……I'd be gruff too

Many female friendships have gamesmanship too.

No, income or wealth disparity around the world is one example that immediately comes to mind.

This season failed on multiple levels:

No, humans aren't complicated, just douches. They rarely learn lessons and are selfish.