Noah's Arc Reactor

No, because he's very thrifty. He never even touches his per diem, and he still got a stew goin', baby!

Guy I've never heard of says things I thought were common sense about controversy I stopped caring about minutes after hearing of it. Masterful Job, Internet!

I'm confused…who are you saying speaks six languages? Patton? Kaplan? I hadn't heard that either of them speak other languages, and I can't think of much in either of their stand-up material that even mentions countries outside the US. Maybe whoever you mean talks about different things in their podcasts or something?

Good point. And for the record, I think that PFT album is about as weak as My Girlfriend's Boyfriend. They aren't really funny enough to pass for stand up (which, as you point out, they kind of aren't). But they also aren't quite interesting enough, or cohesive enough, to really stand out as one-man shows. At best,

I really liked his work in Bojack Horseman.

He definitely uses lots of big words. I wouldn't call him all that intelligent. Maria Bamford and Louis CK strike me as light years more intelligent. Myq Kaplan is probably one of the smartest stand-ups I've heard lately, if you're talking about pure smarts.

Speaking of tantrums….

Teamwork, baby! That's how it's done!

I hope you mean The Simpsons, and not the rake gag itself. Because I think I could watch 22 minutes (plus commercials) of the rake gag every Sunday night, and still laugh.

Okay, I was actually going to say, "Maybe you mean Mike Birbiglia, and that one Tig Notaro deal." But those were literally the two examples I could think of as far as "not funny" comedy.

I don't listen to "The Moth," so I still have no idea what you are talking about. Who are some highly praised, deliberately funny stand-up comedians you are thinking of?

This is like the rake gag from the Simpsons, but with tweets instead of rakes.

Like who? Are you being sarcastic?

You forgot to mention the smurfkers in ElSmurf's basement, and to work in a Smurfsons quote, but other than that, smurf job.

Obviously we was camped out in the bookstore cafe for hours, hoping to see one, just one, other straight man buy the book first.

The "map" the game made for you didn't have important details, like impassible brick walls through the middle of a room. Your map making time was well spent.

This was an "Okay Job, Internet." A "Great Job" would be if he got a dozen greyhound puppies and reenacted this scene:

SWEET! I wonder which set of genitals I should wear to the awards banquet!

White people use hashtags like #Lenny, and black people use hashtags like #Carl!

It's hard to pick, but that is probably my #1 favorite Mitch joke.