Noah's Arc Reactor

Was Another First Kiss one of the songs they sped up? I know they have a live version that's fast, but it always preferred the slower version.

Now THATS a cool ad campaign idea!

Great Job, Commentariat! /sarcasm

I'm upvoting this because it's informative, not because…well, there's lots of reasons that aren't why I'm upvoting this.

So…is this guy's material as insufferably verbose and self-satisfied as this review? My gut is telling me it is, can anyone vouch otherwise?

Hey, if you don't like my commentary, you can"see-plus" your way out.

Second entry should really point out that the Mr Show sketch was not just based on Evans, it was specifically based on the audio version of Evans' autobiography "The Kid Stays in the Picture." (narrated by Evans himself)

Can I get these in Tinkertoys?

Did KC Munchkin only have two ghosts?

This is fascinating. On the one hand, the material is not as 100% abysmal as I would have thought. That first observation, about having her son introduce her to some of his friends, is a slightly amusing observation that could be the start of a potentially funny bit.

Expect to see a burnt bagel that kind of looks like Nick Fury in the near future.

I didn't even consciously register what a poor offering this was until I read your comment. That speaks to just how little I expect from this feature.

Hating can be a purpose.

Hey, the guy he's replying to liked Iron Man 3. So, you know. Let's stone them both.

Here's a dollar.

Hmm….is "Louie" really a nickname for "Louis?" Can your nickname be a homophone of your regular name?

Hell, I wouldn't care if the NSA COULD see them, I just wish I had somebody to send dick pics to. (I'm married, so of course…I don't)

Quit Playing With Your Food, Internet!

Can you dumb it down a shade?

How many chapters does this method let me ignore outright?