
Nah, if anyone's a magikarp, it's Jeb Bush. Plus, there's pretty much no way to pun magikarp with Kasich…

"Here, have a head that's always screaming!"

Hirsch did say Dipper's real name had some sort of similarity to Mabel's, so that's a legit possibility.

I believe the proper spelling is "post-twaumatic stwess disowduh"

"It'll take a lot more than a memory wipe for me to forget the ten dollars you owe me!!"

Yeah, he did so in "Dreamscaperers" (Where he also referred to Soos as "Question Mark")

There will be… more than enough fanart/fanfiction to fill that void, my friend.


"…then you would probably realize how fucking ridiculously inane that statement is."

*calls the dude who wrote that article*

"The Sound of Perseverance"? I actually rather liked that one, although I have no frame of reference since it's the only Death album I've heard.

Def Leppard = Fun but not good
Cannibal Corpse = Not fun or good
Judas Priest = Fun and good
Dream Theater or Tool= Not fun but VERY good

Any song with "woah-oh"s in it is just predestined to get lodged in the cranium..

The aggression is real.

Bit off-topic, but does anyone know if Mastodon ever recorded any stuff before their original lead vocalist Eric Saner left? The thought struck me and I figured it'd be cool to hear some of it, if indeed it does exist.

I agree wholeheartedly. I honestly wasn't huge on the song, but that video is amazing, especially the bit at the beginning with Brann doing a Mr. Rogers-type dealio.

I dunno, Bill Kelliher seems to get sidelined a bit- Not only is he the only member who never does any lead vocals (except for the "Deathbound" single they did for Adult Swim), but Hinds usually gets the spotlight when it comes to guitar (Except for that one song on Blood Mountain). Not saying Kelliher isn't an

What, so we'd have to suffer the agony of our local pop stations editing the chorus so little kids don't accidentally hear "I wanna drink some fucking bloood!/I wanna break some fucking glaaass!". Pass..


There are some very rare bootleg versions of AJFO that have bass tracks added. I've heard that it's the original bass tracks, but even if it's dubbed in, it's supposedly spot-on. My buddy was trying to get his hands on a copy a couple years back, but unfortunately the dude who was selling it bailed on him, so I never