
Incorrect- Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets are the top 2 Metallica albums. …And Justice For All would've been a very close third if they hadn't royally buttfucked themselves by mixing out the bass. Also, I personally think South of Heaven is Slayer's finest, although Reign in Blood is still quite excellent.

I never really cared much for this album, despite loving basically every other Mastodon album to date. I might have to go back and give it another listen now…

Mcketrick Supplicants wins the internet.

I remember hearing it in "Candy Streets" first, which was like… season 4-ish?

It's clear that many characters on the show have some sort of foggy understanding of our pop culture and society, like how LSP says the play is set in "Een-gland", although it's obvious she has no idea what England actually is, she just thinks it's the kind of place where a play would be set. Likewise, LSP probably

I've found myself thinking the same thing recently. I think the writers are trying to branch out and start doing some more exploratory, nuanced stuff, partially because their fanbase has aged by nearly 6 years since the show began, and partially because it's enough of an institution at this point that they can mess


Am I the only one who was annoyed that Rabin referred to the characters in the movie not by their actual names, but by the names of the actors who portray them? I know, it's a nitpick-y complaint, but it's really fucking bugging me..

So does this mean Jake's brother is just a normal dog? I'm pretty sure Neither of Jake's parents can stretch and stuff, so…

I demand more Strudel Princess!

Am I the only one who thought Ace Balthazar's appearance was a parody of Mike Score, or was it just so obvious that no one bothered to mention it?

That line is my favorite quote from anything, ever.

Th answer to all those questions, in order is: Yes; Just the face; Yes, their science is better; Yes, they play chess; They use boards; Yes, there are designated vision squares; Yes, it's like a mask; No, it's not spongey, Yes, it can take a punch and not dent; No, it doesn't bruise; Yes, you can make totally groovy

RBG I will miss you so damn much!

They probably don't watch the show. If they did, maybe they'd make an ounce of sense.

What did VanDerWerff do?

I really do love Kenan's Steve Harvey. Otherwise, he's usually pretty vanilla. At least he's not there just because he can do Obama, like Jay Pharoah is. I swear, they only keep that guy around for impressions.

My face looked like the "OMG" meme at the end.

Was anybody else bothered by the fact that the tail was able to pick up an orange?

It was pretty damn horrifying, especially for a kid. I do like the scene where Finn smacks himself, though. "Why did I do that?"