
I think they just had this annoying character, then accidentally wrote a big cliffhanger into his first episode. Now that he's in the desert forever, we might see more of the guys you just listed.

James Baxter II. Somebody get on that.

Especially after both "Simon and Marcy" and "James", where the radioactive mutants were portrayed as being a serious threat. You were totally expecting a big battle, and then the gumball guardian just starts whooping their asses like it's not even a little challenging.

Man, no wonder he's a dick. He must've gotten teased so bad in school as a kid.

Reminded me of the "The Hard Easy", where the frog morphs into as prince.

Because without him it would have just been The Show.

That's the plan.

Their best joke is the siren noises they make when they run after cops. But otherwise, yeah, stupid characters are only funny for so long.

Hey, I just realized, he could actually end up using the same robot arm
that Shoko used. I mean, Shoko's remains are already at their house,
and they both lost the same arm, so…

I guess they're implying that Finn's been back from the Citadel for some time and everyone already knows about his arm.

Yeah. Whenever they focus in on some random minor character, it's just not as strong as the F&J-centric ones. "Root Beer Guy" was pretty good, but overall, the central cast has just always had the best material.

It would be neat to see more candy-based gags in season 6. They haven't had any good jokes about that in a while.

For a bunch of clones, you'd think they'd be more effective at working together…


Well, at least they realized early on that he was irritating and one-dimensional. Probably the only reason we got a follow-up was the last few seconds with the ancient goo monsters.

Right? since it's coming from a guy called "christian assfuck", you can probably approximate what the comment was. Anyway, I tried to delete all the text, but it went back to normal….

Yeah, I just wish they'd recognized Adventure Time's potential this early on, because they missed the first 3 seasons. It's going to be exciting to watch Steven Universe grow into the fantastic show I know it's going to be.

Imagine Lion finally opening his mouth to speak, and BAM! Morgan fucking Freeman. I'm sorry, but imagining that was seriously the high point of my day. Man oh man oh man oh man…

I thought you thought the Lich was, in your own words, "A stereotypical bad guy" that "Is extremely powerful, and yet can be rather easily defeated many times over". How all that adds up to a great character is beyond me.

That's like @itsmejeff:disqus's thing, dude. he's a condescending dickhead who acts mean and snobby and incredibly unpleasant, and as soon as somebody calls him out on it he goes all "oh, you just hate me because I disagree with you" and "you're just following everyone else's opinion instead of forming your own" and a