
Yeah, but Martin isn't really evil so much as chaotic neutral. He's not intentionally cruel or sadistic, he just doesn't give a shit about others.

Rigby is a raccoon. Seriously, get your facts straight before being a hater. For your own good, man. I honestly don't think you can afford to have any more people dislike you. I mean, "Finn and Jack"? Seriously, what's up with that?

Wreaked means wrecked, obviously. He meant why were the rocks all broken up and not in one solid piece.

I don't think freaky sex stuff like that is even a normal crime. Not that it's ok, it just doesn't seem evil inough.

He might not even know he had a son. Given Martin's personality, it seems more likely that he abandoned finn's mother, and she's the one who left him in the woods.

Naming him Finn Mertens was just a bit of foreshadowing, I think.

True, it's matured past its time slot, but I'd just like to point your comment out as a shining example of how to talk about an episode you don't like: you gave a well-reasoned argument for your opinion, you didn't do any unnecessary name-calling, and you mentioned things you've liked in the show's past to demonstrate

"There's only gonna be two hits here: me hitting you, and a second instance of me hitting you."

-Ldo. Because nothing saves a marriage like spicing up your sex life.

(Lone tear falls from my right eye as I slowly stand up and start clapping)

It can't be ad hominem because you've barely given any points that are even arguable. Well, at least you're a smart asshole. Also, being critical of things involves more than bitching about how it used to be better or how you think an entire season is shit. It involves giving feed back as to how the show could be

Man, now I either have to start using long-ass HTML coding or avoid using it because I'm lazy and look like a hypocrite. Ah, thanks anyway.

Well maybe you should find people who also only like seasons 2-3 and talk about that instead of pissing and moaning about the new stuff that the rest of us like.

Whew, I was worried no one would get that.

Yeah, but Fionna is merely a figment of Ice King's imagination, so I don't think that really counts. Maybe when Ice King sees that Finn lost his arm, he'll work it into his fanfiction somehow.

Oh, totally! I want to see Finn's fire cloak again

I seriously hope Finn ends up all tricked out like he looks in this episode, like an experienced player of a dungeon-crawling RPG.

Aah, but if Finn got a robotic arm, he would lose the same arm that holds the grass sword.

I love Ray Bradbury, and I feel like the AT team should really be taking a lot more inspiration from him, considering all the other things they either homage or parody.

Oh my god, Tom Servo!! I loved that guy! (although Crow was generally a bit funnier) However, It's kind of weird to call MST3K "TV these days", since it hasn't been on for over 10 years.