
Why did you post 2 comments saying essentially the same thing? It makes no sense…

It's surprisingly mauve…

it's actually Cyril, not Cieral. They really throw you off with the pronunciation, though, don't they?

Am I the only one who thinks that "Lying sack of bastard" is kind of a weird insult?

I read it, and it is indeed a good read. I have no qualms about making big plot changes, as long as it's not like "Oh, there's a massive disaster, and Finn and Jake spend a whole season fixing it" type of thing. Not only is it not the best option for letting the characters grow, but I actually get really worried about

I thought we'd established that CYRIL was Darth Vader. Unless that's a different quote than what I'm thinking of… Dammit, it's been so long since I watched Star Wars (Seriously, they need to give us some way to let us do italics. I am so sick of settling for capital letters.)

One of the aspects of this show I enjoy is how nonchalantly the characters talk about all the terrible things they're doing. It diffuses the tension a lot.

Oh, awesome! Sometimes I feel like they stretch it out on purpose, which builds suspense and all, but sometimes we just wanna know what happens next.

With regards to the sperm bank thing, let me just say I'm impressed. Clearly, you've done your homework on this, and I totally stand corrected.
And one of my points is that they AREN'T real events, just a cartoon. If someone did that in real life, I mean, I don't even know if that's legal, but it's clearly

Seriously, what does this guy LIKE? Jesus, what a whiny little blowhard.

You're talking about this like it's some definitive fact. it's not. it's a motherfucking OPINION. You are far too wrapped up in your own whiny, narcissistic opinions to realize what a tool you're being.

And everyone knows that a site where AT fans congregate is the PERFECT place to diss on AT fans.

Um, do you want him to be alive? Ricardio was kind of a douche.

If you hate Adventure Time, why are you here? this is a forum for fans, dude. GTFO if you can't play nice.

Yeah, it was made of toffee and maracas, remember? "Shooka, shooka, shooka! Hee hee hee!"

I guess we'll have to add Martin to the list of "ominous, unresolved character plots", alongside Maja the sky witch, James, and Betty. Oh, but there aren't enough hours in the day!

Argh! curse you, inside joke I don't understand!!!

Yes, because we all know how much women LOVE to hear that…

YES. Thank you for proving I'm not the only person who noticed that.

While that is actually a fantastic idea, spin-offs almost always result in failure, no matter how great the source material is. Still, we can dream, right?