
By butt-fucking I assume you mean…butt-fucking. Geez, you really have a thing for anal. I just hope you're not actually serious, because this is a kid's show. If people wanna see butt fucking, they can watch porn like a normal person.

Yeah, I was not even thinking that, but I am now, so thanks for that.

Huh. Well, apart from the fact that it makes no sense to freeze one's sperm for any reason other than to donate it to a bank, I'll have to assume you are correct in that it is not the same thing. However, I'm still confused as to how any of this is really "horrifying". I guess it's kind of "weird", but…

The point is that you can't just viciously insult people without actually having a point or anything to back it up with, and even then, you're still a dick because you're using your valuable time and energy to make people feel like crap and putting all your negativity out into the world. That's pretty damn unfair in

Well, your comment's sentence structure was clearly declarative, yet you ended it with a question mark. So if my response is a "non response", then your question must be a "non question".

I assume that by "All-powerful force behind the throne, you mean Emperor Palpatine?

Isn't the whole idea behind sperm banks that women can get pregnant without the man's knowledge or permission? and when a guy makes a contribution to a sperm bank, isn't he kind of giving preemptive permission anyway? I'm not exactly sure where the problem is…

Yes. Yes you are.

This has nothing to do with Archer, but I just now realized that Todd's initials are T.V. Is that crazy, or what? Hehe, y'know, 'cause he's a TV critic and stuff….

Just because Prismo made a stupid decision doesn't mean he "deserved to die". And are you seriously annoyed that a cartoon character made a stupid decision?
Besides, you should pretty much accept the fact that these write-ups are basically just mash notes to the show. I mean, almost every episode this season got a B+

Most people act like tools as a kind of defense mechanism, because they fear responsibility and maturity. Seems to be the case here…

AT has so much symbolism. It's like a whole other level of easter eggs to discover

In the First episode with Prismo, Alternate wish-world Finn's last name is Mertens, which sounds strikingly similar to Martin. Besides, the Lich was imprisoned long before Finn was born, and when his non-zombified form was revealed, he looked nothing like a human. Sorry to disprove your theory, but I needed a good

"NOOOOOO!!!! Everybody really liked him!"

And who describes Regular Show as "cute"? AT is obviously cuter.

Yeah, well, you have a stupid username, asshole.

Yeah, no kidding. I'm just glad that there's someone out there on the internet who can actually deal with a good-natured jibe and not be a pussy about it.

Well, yeah, I guess that's part of it, but don't act like you're getting of the hook, Mr. "Penis Van Lesbian". I mean, don't you people ever regret stuff like that that? You know, like how 38-year-olds regret the unfortunate tattoo(s) they got in college?
I mean, whatever. It's not my bad tattoo, so it's not my

It's just a little hard to take a guy named "PiggFucker" seriously. It makes you seem a little less credible.

Wow, I can hardly believe this is the same guy who accused someone of smoking crack rocks a week ago.