
well, I guess so, but she just eats the color anyway, remember? Either way, It would be too weird to have the Ice King become a vampire. Or Simon, or really any other major character

There are 2 very important differences between an incomplete giraffe and an ostrich. The first is that an incomplete giraffe can't kick you in the stomach hard enough to actually kill you, while an ostrich totally can, and totally will if given the opportunity. The second is that incomplete giraffes are made of

yes, who am you indeed….

Yeah, "tranch" is one of those made up adventure time insults. It's generally used to describe a shady or otherwise questionable person.

So basically, you're saying it's unfair that I suggest you have an actual reason to hate someone? I'm not saying she has to have robbed you and killed your extended family for you to be justified in hating her. I'm just saying that disliking her show isn't a good enough reason.However, by the looks of your comment

and gumball.

I like how all the art in that show looks vaguely like stained-glass. It gives it a dreamy quality that suits it.

He's not nearly good enough at what he does to be a Heisenberg. He's more like the kid who worked the KFC cartel in the "Medicinal Fried Chicken" episode of South Park.

Yeah, feel free to hate anything you want, but make damn sure you have a good reason for hating someone.

Yeah, I wish they'd extended it into a two parter. That way, they would have been fit more emotional depth into it, as well as more jokes. That way, everyone's happy

well, what do you have against her?

They've never actually established that Marceline can do that. Remember, in "Evicted", Marceline bites Jake and he suffers no ill effects.

It looked like an incomplete giraffe. AWESOME! But… yeah, kind of creepy when you think about it…

I definitely see what you're saying, but it seems like LEGO is kind of a scapegoat in this whole situation, because the issue you're addressing is a bit bigger- that all products should advertise in a gender-neutral manner. I don't think that there's anything wrong with having toys designated for one gender or

why is this film more true to the principles of LEGO then actual LEGO commercials?

You can't just assume that he's using that phrase to sound smart. How about I just assume that you're dissing people with opinions contrary to your own in order to feel better about your own shortcomings?

Well, I disagree with everything you said, but at least you're honest. It would suck if everyone who didn't like it just pretended to like it to avoid criticism.

It would have been neat if his sister had those Bellville figures or something, but I guess that she's too young for those.

Eric Cartman should sing that song.

It's not anti-business, it's anti-unimaginative dweebs. Who the hell spends hundreds of hours building a Lego universe, then coats the whole thing in superglue? What's he going to do, stare at it thinking how pretty it is?