
another step in the right direction is the fact that she even HAS a "don't burn alive" category.

Yeah, I suppose it can be difficult to come to terms with the fact that not everyone in this universe has some relation to Finn or Jake, or even knows who they are. Sometimes their presence in an episode can feel a bit forced when the focus is really on a minor character.

hey, some things never change. I'm just grateful that Gameboys now change their own batteries.

Damn, it's so easy to forget that an AT episode is only just over 10 minutes. every episode is like a compressed movie

Yeah, total mind fuck there. I told my little sister that and she didn't believe me. I had to dig up a pirated YouTube clip to prove my point.

Hey, all I even DO is respond to ancient comments. Hell, this comment is now a year old. Go figure.

Hey, that reminds me, I've taken to calling AT fans "Ooovians", and I hope it catches on…

Aw, c'mon. People have some really good things to say on the subject, and no one's being a troll or anything.

well, yeah, but since Regular Show takes place in modern-day Earth, it really cuts down on the types of places you can include. In Adventure Time, the creators can add some exotic new locale whenever they want, but Regular Show is limited to "some coffee shop" or "some restaurant" and stuff like that. when your show

While I totally agree that regular show has depth, I think what GM64 is trying to say is that while the characters may have depth, the creators haven't really built a world for their show in the way the Adventure Time team has. You could spend years traveling the Land of Ooo, but you can see every location from

for me, it's the following bit:
"We are TURBROS!!!
"Turbo Bros!"

and the part where the Ice King checks to see if gunther's a girl.
What? no?!?
(looks under Gunther)
(tosses Gunther over his shoulder)

All I know about Emo Phillips is that John Hodgman claimed to have bought a speed zeppelin from him in one of his books.

Also, seriously? I think Marceline has had waaaay too much character development for a character who's never been that funny.

Wait, is Polly Prissypants an actual thing? or did you get that from South Park?

MMMMmmmpf-RRRRRRR PUT YOU IN MY OVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My favorite Lemongrab quote

My favorite episode of regular show is the one where Benson is trying to manage his rage. It let people feel a little empathy for a character who had just been a classic jerk until then.

yeah, BTW, does anyone know if there is any coverage of season 3? If there is, I sure as hell can't find it.

Mud Scamps are my new favorite Ooo-vian species (after snow golems and The MOs.

Mud Scamps are my new favorite Ooo-vian species (after snow golems and The MOs.