
The village elder is Jon Katz. Man, he hasn't done anything for AGES. wonder what else he's up to….

The village elder is Jon Katz. Man, he hasn't done anything for AGES. wonder what else he's up to….



the scene where Jake twists up his face with a stick made my inner 9-year-old shoot Dr. Pepper out my nose. I still laugh every time I see it.

the scene where Jake twists up his face with a stick made my inner 9-year-old shoot Dr. Pepper out my nose. I still laugh every time I see it.

yeah, and also you have to use a gold-plated fan to wave the Lobster Soul into the sandwich, otherwise it loses 27%of it's flavor.

someone should make an adventure time cookbook, similar to the cookbook featuring foods from various Rold Dahl Books

Damn Lobster soul, otherwise I would have totally made this sandwich

In the zoomed-out shot of the underground city, there’s a visible
Tri-Force on one of the destroyed walls. I’m going to assume they are in
the ruins of the Hyrule Temple from Super Smash Brothers Melee, fallen from the sky and now buried underground.

I thought it was pure drama. I was on the edge of my seat, but I didn't laugh once.

Totally! I'd rather see what a smart person thinks of the show I just watched than hear them read the plot to me.

I bet the show would totally do Bubbeline if CN wasn't breathing down it's neck every fucking second. You saw what happened with "What was missing"…

I'ma just pretend like you didn't say that. It just doesn't fit into my version of reality.

well, even if you have real, decent reasons for disliking a show, saying the kind of stuff you say as often as you say it makes you seem like kind of a kvetcher. I'm not saying you are, but you tend to come off sounding that way.

I actually mostly agree. Some of the recent episodes, like James, The Pit, and Red Starved, didn't make me laugh once, and didn't really expand the show's horizon's in any meaningful sort of way. I think the show has strayed from it's roots in general goofiness into more risky stuff. Sometimes it works and sometimes

PB represents "Lawful Neutral", a character who believes that everything must be controlled and orderly, even if it hurts others in the process. So she's not bad, just sort of a control freak

The whole bit with Wyatt was just sort of pathetic. you don't enjoy it, you just feel sorry for him. Sorta like BMO…..good thing Cinnamon Bun is usually amusing.

because of the fact that it took place during BMO Noire, this episode sort of reminded me of those 3 south park episodes that all took place during a meteor shower, where Stan has to team up with Butters to stop the police from killing everyone at a party, and cartman is at home with an abusive babysitter, and kyle