
Great work! It takes a special type of OCD enthusiast to give such attention to detail to returning a motorcycle to showroom condition.

I witnessed this while drunkenly stumbling home on Cinco de Mayo. Words still escape me...

Hey they’re not completely useless!

It’s hard to put a specific number on it since its varies so much per person (both tolerance and reaction time/skill), but even 0.08 isn’t much. Two good IPA’s within a relatively short amount of time will have most people near or over the limit. Realistically speaking, under 0.10 is probably like driving drowsy or

when you think about it for a few seconds beyond “they’re those cars that talk”

A motorcycle! Lanesplit and then your commute will be a helluva lot shorter. Don’t live in California? Well I don’t and I do it anyway. Not all the time, but if the traffic slows to a crawl I’m not gonna sit there and cook myself or the bike (if its aircooled). Just don’t be an ass about it. It’s usually only at low

The same issue applies to motorcycle fatalities where the rider was not wearing a helmet or was impaired

ITB’s with velocity stacks sound soooooo good. They’re also a lot louder.


I know it won’t happen, but i would love it if they just went balls to the wall and built a 1000 hp AWD challenger. Though I’m still shocked and delighted that they’re one-upping themselves again


I think a convertible would be better for this application, but otherwise yup

I second the CJ. They’re perfect beach cars.

Sorry you guys are all wrong, beach car means convertible. Jeep CJ-5. It’s a perfect little beach cruiser and runabout that’s easy to work on and maintain.

Neutral: I think the key for Mazda is marketing. They really need to make their dealership experience be exceptional and take after Subaru’s marketing department. That whole “Love. It’s what makes a Subaru, a Subaru” is working. Subaru has carefully crafted their image to be warm and fuzzy and strongly associated with

Hey! That star labs hangar is actually Cincinnati Union Station!

I started a Motorcycle drivetribe! come check it out and join! Its called Ride Every Day.

1.3 BILLION!?!?! wow thats a bit. Carry on then

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how is this (or a parking boot) at all favorable to simply writing a ticket?

Leroy Jenkins?