
I’m super excited for a scrambler 400. So I too a few screenshots and from what I can see it looks pretty much like the current scrambler (shocking I know) except for the mirrors and maybe the headlight a bit.

holy hell that thing looks like riding it would be more like wrestling a bear!

This looks like a great way to get your limbs amputated

I really hope you’re right just so that I can enjoy the hilarious irony of a Grom being described as a “RAY OF DARKNESS

It makes me sad, I really like the bugeye too! But every single one I can find has been beat to shit

My first knee-jerk reaction was to hate it but then I remembered some of my favorite times driving my old Wrangler were when I took the top down (and doors off) on nice days and spent the whole afternoon just tooling around town, hitting some light trails, or going to the beach. I’m sure this thing will provide the

and Floridians....

Well, I feel they’re primarily there for aesthetic purposes much like the throttle bodies being made to look like carbs, but aluminum fins will still dissipate heat the same as when it was air cooled so they are still technically functional. It’s quite possible they are consciously being used so that the radiator size

True, I knew it was built for homologation purposes, but I forgot it was for Group B.

There’s something weird but awesome about seeing such modern forks and brakes attached to a old school spoked wheel

Ferrari offroad dorifto!

I doubt that seat is super comfy, but damn does this thing look good

Any word on the price?

Get a Miata of whatever flavor you like (NA, NB, NC, or probably soon to be ND) and turbo it or V8 swap

Motodemic makes a single headlight conversion and in my opinion it looks sooo sexy. Its perfect now

I think he means the Ducati Scrambler

No Dubstep is a standard “feature”

and the most comfortable controller EVER!

Classic Cayde-6

Tires were good, but were larger mud tires. I exaggerated a bit, it was fine, just had to pay attention at highway speeds. It really was mostly a really worn out and sloppy bearing/bushing in the steering column that had a shit-ton of play.