No you’re right, I think it is the right thing to do, but it just kinda sucks for GM.
No you’re right, I think it is the right thing to do, but it just kinda sucks for GM.
I kinda of get why some people don’t ride up here in the Midwest, where it snows. A bike will only be a 2-3 season vehicle, so most need a car for the winter and the bike gets relegated to toy status.
Some bikes may not get that great fuel economy, but a lot of bikes do. My Buell Blast averages 70mpg whether I’m putting around town or cruising at 70 on the highway. No its not super fast, but its still a lot faster and a metric shit-ton more fun to drive than a econobox
Allegient Airlines will charge you to print your boarding pass.
I’m not surprised. From my own experience working in this field, the better design doesn’t always win. Politics, lobbying, money, and current contracts all play into the game.
You’re being way to reasonable to be on the internet....
I guess I get why people are upset if you’re a serious crucible player, but without the expansion I was bored as hell with Destiny. If the new content hadn’t come out you can only play the same missions and strikes so many times before you get sick of them.
I’d be super pissed that I didn’t make it to 300 mph
Ding! Ding! Ding! Yup, what you said. I’m fairly confident most LandRover owners don’t give 2 shits about its offroad ability. Its first and foremost to them a luxury SUV.
The movement towards turbos is likely for the the same reason we see it in cars. A smaller displacement turbo engine can be more efficient and lighter than a naturally aspirated engine with the same horsepower.
Nissan hurt my soul with that one. I really wanted this to become a reality. Instead one got one helluva pair of blue balls
I got the awesome new subclass for my hunter, did the first mission on the dreadnought, and made it to level 39 last night and I am loving the new Destiny. Cayade-6 and the actual dialogue between some of the characters really made a huge difference and made the missions much more enjoyable. As you mention, the…
Yeah I quit playing nearly as much after hitting level 20. I came back for a spurt and got to 25 or so, but fell off again. The update has brought me back as I was able to cruise to level 34 on two characters super fast. I’m looking forward to checking out The Taken King once I get off work today, after I go to the…
I clocked the 0-60 time of my 94 Ranger at about 16 seconds..........
The later rangers yes, I’m referring to the old Lima 2.3 in 80’s and 90’s rangers. I can’t really speak to the newer engines in the ranger, but in the old ones some of the bolts were placed in such hard to reach positions it was almost comical