Would love to see everyone on the picket line (stay strong) be equally vocal about medicare for all.
Would love to see everyone on the picket line (stay strong) be equally vocal about medicare for all.
Unions are the only way to even approximate something of a level field between labor and capital. When you boss can just drop your healthcare, how much bargaining power do you really have?
Don’t begrudge others their benefits. Instead, ask where yours are. If you’re like most people, you’ll find them located in a rounding error at the bottom of an executive’s pocket lint.
I’d suggest they just burn East Lansing to the ground, but the students will do that the next time they beat Eastern Michigan.
Pssst, we are a very strong headed ‘millionaires in waiting’ type of people. No one wants to raise taxes for something to help them now when it could cost them a lot when they magically get really rich from all their bootstrap pulling.
The average American worker spends 29% of their income on health insurance???
I totally misread that, you’re right.
aka “Starving to death to own the libtards”
Dodge is trying to figure out how to put that in a Challenger. Stretch that platform another 50 years.
Since every cabinet member in this administration has to be worse than the last, I'm calling it now: Trump is going to appoint Oliver North as the next National Security Advisor.
My gf and i regularly play ‘guess who these tv show characters would vote for in real life’ and i maintain that literally everyone on The Office except for Oscar (maybe) would be full on QAnon/trump supporters.
Mach-E mk1 is what mark wahlberg will be driving in boston
Agreed on all counts! Down with the boring (and usually nonsensical progression) alphanumeric names! Charger! Stinger! Mustang! Taycan!... actually no that last one is dumb. Huzzah!
Neutral: I think Ford has a great chance of pulling the EV thing off. While the Focus EV was about as half assed an attempt as there could be, I feel they have a good idea of what to do now. I do think Jim’s projections of 10% of F-Series buyers willing to go EV is pretty optimistic, I’d wager more like 2-3 percent.
I was in denial for a bit and went to bat for the Phantom Menace for a few years. It took AOTC for me to realize what a shit pile the prequels were. ROTS is also terrible and I can’t take people who claim it’s better than ROTJ seriously. Pretty much the only defense for TPM is the light saber duel / Duel of the fates…
Crystal Skull.
Solid...second theory: