
True, like putting in an in-dash aftermarket stereo and satnav in a 1930's Bugatti. Still, you would think some high end pavers that look like cobblestones, or something of that nature would work.

I’m one up on this guy in one area with my red Ford Focus and Auto Zone sourced products. My driveway is fully paved. You would think a guy who pays someone for 15 hours to detail a vintage Lamborghini would spend the extra money to eliminate driving it on a dirt road into the garage.

Secondary fact - military vehicles don’t have to meet EPA, CAFE or CARB mandates... Also, they have a motor pool, so maintenance is not a big deal.

Same reason Tesla people say Nurburgring times are irrelevant when they get the pants beaten off of them.

Lower speed limits have shown to lower people’s attention, get people to fall asleep at the wheel faster and create more speed differences among drivers, increasing the risks of accidents. For proof, the US has to deal with over 7 deaths per billion kilometers driven when most of Europe is around 5 or sometimes even

Reacting smoothly or dodging does not change the original question: CA law allows me the right of way to full use of the width of my lane. If I move left or right within my lane, why would I need to check my mirror?

Why do I need to check my mirrors if I am swerving in my own lane to dodge an obstacle or a pothole?

The whole thing is clearly economic favouritism. GM’s wrongdoing kills 124 people, they pay 900m. Toyota is a victim of false accusations and classic ‘driving while old’ and has to pay over a billion. VW already agreed to comprehensive compensation in the double digit billions (which is fair in may view), investment

I’m almost that age, and I’ve always like the C4 myself (the later ones with the rounded ass, not the earlier indented ones). I like the C5 for its everyman-supercarness, and it generally looks good. But the C5's ass is the stuff of yo’ mama jokes.

Japanese sports cars at that time were built so well, though. They just didn’t spare any cost and it showed. There were other factors in the US pricing (exchange rate, cache at the time, etc), but the quality of Supras and Z32s really is impressive in today’s market.

Agreed. It’s funny how somewhere around age 40 (so, 2-3 years ago), almost out of nowhere, the C4 became handsome in my eyes. I’ve always thought the C5 was gorgeous, but my appreciation for the C4 just sneaked in on me.

These videos are awful. Just fucking awful. I always try to give them a shot because the cars are interesting, and every time I have to turn them off halfway through because of how seriously terrible they are. Every. Fucking. Time. The too-clever-by-half commentary and ironic voices are cringeworthy and the pointless

Over time, my opinions have reversed. When I was younger, I lusted after the 300ZX and despised the C4 ‘vette. Now, I would rather have the C4 over the 300ZX. The complicated mess of engineering and the engine bay of the 300ZX is painful. There is a lot of potential to be had for the C4, and after taking a ride in a

If people are “too stupid to understand” your design and word choice, then you have a bad design. “Blame The User” isn’t a reasonable reaction to product/use failures.

There was definitely some fishy shit going on. Shouldn’t have been driving a Miata through floodwaters in the first place, and she didn’t lift a finger to escape from literally the easiest vehicle you could possibly want to escape from.

Seriously, the UK has lost its mind. Combined with all their other fuck ups, they are on a slow and steady slide down to third rate nation with the The City now almost a seperate country within a country.

The lady had a choice in the matter. She could have not driven into the flood waters. The poor dog was along for the ride and placed his trust in the human to make sure he was safe.

Have you ever heard of the Darwin Awards? I’m just saying if you are trying that hard to die...

She couldn’t figure out how to open the top in a Miata, so possibly.

To be fair, she was in a Miata. The top is easier to put down than opening the door. Unsnap the two clips, and pull back. If she couldn’t figure that out, plus driving a Miata through deep water....