
It looked very much like a hotel in the background —- I thought Hilton Garden Inn, but it turns out it was a Hampton Inn. Anyway, just searched ‘hotels’ on Gmap and saw which ones were right up on 294. Only took six or seven tries...about five minutes of virtual driving. I’m pretty good at finding random shit on

I also have a ‘16 Premium and lots of other little stupid shit annoys me, like how once your Sirius subscription ends you can’t get rid of the preset and everything you scroll through the stereo modes with the steering wheel button a stupid message about subscribing to SiriusXM pops up and you can’t get rid of it

Yeah, shit like that.

I put wider tires on my old hatchback.

After seeing the 1921 logo, I blame the Masons.

Not really Hyundai-like at all. Some familiar switch-gear placements and Infotainment graphics but other than that it’s a very different experience. Ride, NVH, materials are all very high-end. They are legitimate cross-shops for people in that market (7, S, A8, etc.) that are not concerned with the badge on their

Let me guess though. The douche probably uses her armored car for every trip she makes?

So I understand why the drive to streamline urban transportation and also reduce smog, what I don’t understand or go along with is this extreme idea that this is the future for all mankind. That tomorrow’s future seems to further separate those who live in urban areas from those in rural areas. A notion that it would

I’m all for a total ban on diesel, so not much I can say there... Tokyo is VERY crowded traffic-wise, yet I never have any asthma problems like I all the time have when I’m in Paris. But, then again, very few diesels are able to get registered in Tokyo, and this type of engine represents less than 5% of all registered

I know the Cayenne and Macan pulled Porsche out of their last financial mess, but I get the feeling they are deliberately trying to get themselves into another one. You need a flowchart to make sense of the 911 range these days, its one model of car... it should not be this hard.

How the hell did my insurance go from $689 a month before obamacare to $169 with obamacare? If you would like I will actually backup my statement with redacted scanned copies of my premiums before and after.

If you mean people who vote against their own self interest no, they’re generally beyond help. I’m more interested in the well-being of folks like my mother. I was born to a homeless 19 year old widow two months after my father died of pneumonia, having been denied medical care due to lack of enough money. The support

The reason modern cars aren’t a problem (coal rolling diesels excepted) from a pollution standpoint is CAFE regs and the EPA. Manufacturers never volunteered to do the right thing.

Modern gas guzzlers aren’t the reason for air pollution. Modern cars in general haven’t been the reason for air pollution for quite some time; diesel trucks, trains, factories, forrest fires, and tillage are the main contributors to air pollution. I agree that we should protect the air but gas guzzlers are not an air

I love letting people make mistakes, I am all for freedom. But when their mistakes turn the sky over my city brown all winter, cause my wife’s asthma to flare up and drive up health care costs for everybody due to increased events of respiratory illness, I think it is time to tell those people to go fuck themselves.

gun slit windows and gigantic C pillars are for better crash ratings

It is bad regulation, imposing enormous costs on companies with no actual benefit.

Honestly, the guy has shown himself...almost to his detriment at times, to be too even keeled to do something like that. The man worked really hard to always come off as sensible and adult and he’s not going to tear it down just to get at Trump. Plus, taking a long time horizon view of things, that will bear him out

Lazy engineers. Subarus still have huge windows and tops in safety ratings.

As much as we complain about restrictive factory exhausts and the like, I’m very happy for anything that ensures we have clean air to breathe.