
This just seems desperate and pathetic.

What the hell haha. I seriously thought washer fluid could kill someone. Now I know it can’t.

This is why I don’t support the trucking industry.

That 80 ton tractor is your problem not mine. If you are going to bring it on the road then learn how to share the road.

I never will understand this whole 20" wheel + super low profile tire thing. That may work in a place like Germany with great roads. Here you end up replacing multiple wheels per year. It is not only stupidly expensive, it is a pain the neck to be stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire and bent wheel.

That’s fine. I’ll start worrying what strangers think about my vehicle, fashion or computing choices when they start paying me enough to care.

I got stuck behind a Fung Wah bus with a broken tie rod on a single lane ramp in the Bronx once. The front wheels were splayed out and the driver had knelt the bus to let everyone out. I have never seen a vehicle look more defeated.

Most of the kids I did my undergrad with had this idea that they’d design everything from the ground up for each project... But that’s expensive and extremely time-consuming. So finally one of our professors was able to show us the light that there are plenty of available off-the-shelf components that can be readily

A thing this size, if used rail wheels, would demand rail axles. Not a narrow solution. But then again, it would provide an excellent, stable platform. Regular crane wheels could work, except they would need the vignoles profile common to rail wheels, so they could make turns. Cranes use straight wheels, because they

Well, that’s terrifying.

I'm in Arizona, and Clinton and Trump are actually neck and neck here, so my vote might a tually count this year. You know the conservative candidate is a wackjob when he's not handily leading AZ.

POTUS isn’t a fucking prize or notch on your belt. Good for the orange faced douchebag if he wants to treat it as such. There’s too much at stake to trust my future AND financial future to some douche that turns into a 13 year old drama queen whenever someone says mean things about him.

You think he has a single dollar that wasn’t build off his 6 bankruptcies? He wouldn’t have anything if he didn’t routinely cash out against the US tax payer (who pays the debts after you declare bankruptcy? that’s right ;) chapter 11 baby). And you think that her taking in overseas investment for a foundation focused

The allegation is regarding her quid pro quo behavior which is very much alleged, unproven and frankly unprovable. I remind you her tax returns are widely available as are the Clinton Foundation records. Trump? Crickets.

Sorry, I use to feel bad about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then I read about the Rape of Nanking and The Holocast.

I’d take a moderate Republican. Hell, I considered McCain until he went off the deep end.

Same. People need to get out there and give the third parties some support, otherwise they’ll never be taken seriously. Even if a third party doesn’t win this time, supporting them will eventually make them a viable third choice.

Where do you live? I’m not concerned with my hippy friends voting 3rd party in Seattle because the Puget Sound will vote Democrat and carry the rest of Washington. Here, we have the luxury of standing by our principles. If you live in OH, PA, FL, CO, NH, VA, IA, MN, or WI help the rest of us out and shut down this

Glad we used them against them too, it was the right choice.

Foxtrot Alpha, dickface.