
It doesn’t matter how much reserve they have at the moment but how fast it is being depleted.

Could be a very early iteration that was later discarded. It’s standard practice for designers to do a ton of off-the-wall concepts (even ones we don’t like/know won’t make it far) at the beginning of a project before narrowing it down. The format doesn’t matter — I usually sketch, but if I think I can get to the

Stef, I watched all the testimony live. Although the hearing record isn’t available yet, deep into the questioning by the members, I recall that an email was put into the record reflecting that the EPA was invited to testify. In addition, Rep Beyer (D-VA), the ranking member of the subcommittee, noted on the record

Well to start the rebels definitely aren’t “ISIS affiliates.” They (the FSA) made an uncomfortable alliance with an *al Qaeda* affiliate in the al Nusra Front but this was born out of necessity during the stalemate of 2012-2013. Al Nusra with its foreign fighters and illicit funding was doing a better job than the FSA

Did you really just pop in to tell this person they are wrong without actually correcting any of the points you disagree with? Why would you even bother? Was it just to wag your dick in public? Because that’s all I got out of your “correction”.

You are wrong. I will offer no evidence or insight to why, but you are definitely wrong.

Perhaps your interpretation is correct? I find it quite hard to believe that the EPA was not made aware of the meeting and invited to attend, and I would argue that the minority party (A weird use of the term, IMO - I didn’t really see this as a Republican vs. Democrat issue, honestly.), assuming the role of “the

Nope, it was his duty as a decent human being. My Grandfathers Cousin was a Prussian Jew, who couldn’t get his family our of Europe in time, but had the luck of having a local Catholic Priest who helped Jews appear Catholic. The Priest paid for this with his life after being Tortured.

That’s a per day frequency. So during a 30 year career, it’s expected that every officer would be involved in misconduct roughly 2.4 times in their career (~200 working days per year * 30 years / 2466).

The Sad Part is that You could have Typed this Comment with a Fraction of the Use Of the Shift Key. Proper Use of the Shift Key means you Readers can handle reading significantly More Words, which equals Better Retention and less Anger. This Issue can be solved by looking up the Rules of Capitalization for the English

You are correct. Texas is move over one lane OR slow to 20MPH below the posted speed limit for speed limits 25MPH or higher. Or 5MPH below the speed limit when the limit less than 25MPH.

Yeah, don’t get me started on the psych exam. I was having dinner with a psychologist who was upset about the profile they were looking for. Basically they are looking for a person willing to bend rules and is a borderline sociopath. Psychologist don’t set these profiles, they are determined by the department or

A lot worse has happened around here, and the only thing that happened is the officer got a vacation.

a better vetting process for choosing law enforcement officials

It really tells you about some of the people who sign up for this work. I was a Marine for four years. Our boot camp platoon started out with 70 people. Many of them were people with a complex about not being tough enough or wanting to carry a gun or be the authority or whatever. Almost 40 of the people who started

Most cops are ass hole who are mad at the world that why they became cops, not to serve and protect the little it’s to get make others lives harder will gettin some sort of money from tickets and infraction and the joy they get when they watch someone squirm for thier supposed power.... This cop could have caused an

Before all these cameras in public, the police never misbehaved. The cameras incite them to act aggressively and should be banned.

Remember the country of origin: Lebanon.

the NSX is intended to be a real, viable street car that owners can comfortably and easily daily drive, while still obtaining the feeling of maximum performance.

I wonder if you are born North Korean, does it suck to be North Korean when your life is so completely controlled that you know nothing else to which you can compare to create that dissonance...or our outsiders image of who they are.