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It’s long but watch it. There are numerous studies that have shown slow drivers cause more accidents. If you google it several insurance companies even point this out on ther websites. This video covers several of the research articles but there are many more.

That wire-tap law is idiotic and should be canned. There is zero reason why you should expect privacy when you are within someone-else’s house/car/whatever. Laws preventing other people from recording you in your own house/car make sense, but the moment you get out of your own property you are in public space and

Hard top? C’mon Agent Greer. It’s hot as hell in Dallas today and look at Jackie’s beautiful pink outfit that no one will get to see. Give me a convertible.

I feel so sad for the worker next to lil’ Kim every time I see this picture.

We actually had this discussion on here a few weeks back. The consensus was not good. Their culture has been separated for several decades and will have evolved. The smallest detail could give you away. For example, if you are well nourished but work a normal job. Another possibility is how you cross the street. If

China can’t “call in the debt”... or it’d be stupid to do so. Bonds have a term. If you collect before the term is up, you lose a crapton of money. The biggest chunk of the national debt is money we owe to ourselves, for other parts of the government, and not China. China and Japan both hold about 1.25 trillion in our

Me two. I am not sure what is oozing out, but the poor malnourished worker looks like he wants to eat it, and then little fatty is a good contrast

I think it’s relative innocuousness is what makes it more likely to be real.

The same as how Russia built all that hardware while people stood in line to get bread. They ordered it so. If you don’t waste material and food on those who do not contribute directly, you can do a lot.

You obviously haven’t been living in a communist system. It’s a top down society. Try talking to people from the former GDR, Soviet Union or some such place who are now in their 60's. They can still recite what the relevant central committee decided on certain matters - because this was force-fed down the line. Such

Archimedes himself began the construction with little more than a mirror alignment; da Vinci added the gearings; Newton the lenses; Galileo the prisms! All of the great poets, painters, scientists, alchemists and philosophers have had the orb in their hands.

They are fucked, if they ever launch one of these.

Nuke in a ship in Seattle or SF or LA harbor. No missile needed.

The Unabomber lived in a shack because he devoted his time and money to handcrafting bombs and nurturing grudges. That’s N. Korea—the crazy guy in the shack that you hope never emerges.

That’s just like, your opinion, man.

Eighteen years ago I was a twentysomething living overseas in Saudi Arabia while working for a US company. I had big plans for how I was going to spend my money when I got back to the states, I was going to by my first Bimmer. I wanted a E36 3 series because the E36 M3 was just too expensive at the time. My housemate

Why do I love my car?

BMW cut me off. No signal.

In response to lack of demand they will remove turn

Well, the road itself is stilling do pretty well. Had a nice spin on it today on the way to the World Challenge race out at COTA (speaking of public / private quagmires). It seems like the problem with it is that they put it out in the middle of nowhere. It’s far enough out of everyone’s way that unless traffic is