
As long as you don’t damage my car, feel free to park with my exotic car ridiculously far from the store. I don’t care what kind car you have, as I have owned everything from a $1500 beater to my current stable. Plus, you help me affirm that my car actually is, contrary to your statement, relatively safe.

No, the Tesla uses the 100 year old electric current through a copper coil thing technology.

There is a glaring problem with Ferrari always being able to make the ‘best’ car. Many of their competitors have much deeper pockets. Consequently, Ferrari have to pick and choose where they want to put their efforts.
In my opinion, they've never been the 'best' at making sedans or wagons. It's a tall order for them to

A tremendous amount of a car’s environmental impact is in its initial manufacturing, so it seems especially stupid to fret about the gas mileage of a car that will be lucky to be driven 500 miles per year. Most of the damage has already been done.

Enzo said the same thing about engines with less than 12 cylinders, and road cars with engines in the back. He probably would have said that about automatic transmissions. Guarantee in 25 years you wont be able to buy a ferrari you drive yourself. Just like right now you cant buy a Ferrari you shift yourself.

Security here seemed pretty decent. heavy bars on the doors, high grade surveillance, most likely functional security alarm (hence the ‘speed’ with which they moved.) The front of the store is protected from direct impact by concrete barriers (they look like benches, but are clearly overbuilt, with angled and formed

ford would of pulled that som bitch right out on the first try if it was in 4wd

I hope they all underwent the background check!

Must be just me, but that video was fucking awful. That whole wannabe military voice over thing, the sped up bits, the sound bite ‘enhancements’ on the shifts, the ‘let’s see how many camera angles we can fit into the smallest time possible’ thing. Just awful. Like, fast and furious levels of awful. Which is a shame,

They got it airworthy (and gorgeous) again so it could get to Udvar-Hazy:

As small as the 727s were, you’d still need a pretty big flatbed. The restoration was more of a ‘send off’ kinda thing.

If you don’t restore it professionally before putting it in a museum, it falls apart in the museum since nobody there has the specialty to keep it in good shape. Putting it back to “Stock New”

You sweet summer child, god help you if you are ever arrested. Even if you are stone cold guilty, and if you are then there is plenty of time to admit that between arrest and trial (or even verdict if you decide to play brinksmanship), you wait until the prosecution brings charges before doing so. The reason for that

You should be careful not to fall off from up there. You might get hurt.

There’s a difference between cutting up a bit on a back road when you can see nobody is around than racing in the middle of traffic on a very populated highway.

Given that the Pontiacs shared platforms with the rest of GM’s lineup, was ‘Wide Track’ just marketing BS, or did they actually place the wheels farther out than on comparable Chevys, Buicks, and et al?

These people need another word other than ‘reliability’ to describe minor irritations. If a car performs the fundamental functions of a car, that is to get you somewhere you planned to get to, without something breaking that you weren't meant to replace anyway it is reliable.

I know there’s more parasitic loss, but this an Audi, not a Nissan. FWD-bias is a joke. Rear bias is the only sensible option for a performance-oriented luxury marque. Losing 1 mpg is meaningless if it causes Audi to lose customers, which it certainly will.

If this were to occur, how exactly Russia will react to their aircraft being fired upon, and even brought down en-masse by Sunni Arab state supplied MANPADS remains unclear.

Audi claims it saves 0.3 liters for every 100 kM when tested in Ingolstadt traffic.

I’m not talking about toys you only take out for fun, I’m talking about what cars were actually like to drive every day 40 years ago. And that was, shitty.

One of the reasons taking an old car out for a drive is fun today is because you don’t have to rely on it. Because you can go back to your boring, reliable car any