
Essentially admitting that exclusivity deals are due to some pissing match between them and Valve rather than being anywhere near an attempt at being pro-consumer.

There is nothing in the goddamned world like the absolute fragility of folks who occupy majority (race/ethnicity/sex/sexual orientation/religious affiliation) status feeling like they might have to share the pie they’ve previously had 99% of.

Think about this for just a moment: Every time someone screams about “SJWs,”



That’s cool man, so this is a very wordy advertisement for your video?  

Yes, actually. We’ve been so conditioned by society to believe that an 8 hour job day is normal that we see anything else as abnormal.  

Why the fuck does anybody have kids? It seems like the *best* parts of parenting are sheer drudgery, and the baseline is terror, exhaustion, misery, and self-loathing.

Yup. And that was incredibly validating!

Notre Dame isn’t a motherfucking tragedy. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Have we ever stopped to consider the problem might just be cishet males? Just in general? Maybe they are the ones who need controls put on them? At least until the little snowflakes learn to stop being so fucking fragile.

And I bet those are the same fuck-wads who would question whether or not the girl fought back if she were sexually assaulted. I would sue the living shit out of that school.

how this was not the end of the argument is beyond me

The only “bad” food is food that has *gone* bad (i.e. rotten or moldy food).

Uplay, Origin, and are company stores for Ubisoft, EA, and Activision Blizzard respectively. They bypassed (or in Blizzard’s case, never sold on) Steam to sell directly to customers. Even then, Ubi will sell on Steam, then force you into Uplay as an updater/launcher anyway. GoG Galaxy is a CD Projekt division,

Puritanism: The feat that someone, somewhere, might be having a good time somehow.

“Not a team player”

(Mineralblu takes most of our pictures, at least at cons, because we pay him to)

Oooh, that’s a conspiracy theory I hadn’t heard before. I don’t think it holds water (there’s no direct connection between “media outlets” and “Google” that would determine editorial content), but I appreciate the additional scuttlebutt that taps into the simultaneous fears of Big Google and Mainstream Media. Makes me

a free way to hang out with their friends