
I’ve been hoping games would start doing this for a while. There’s a lot of time, money, and effort that go into dubbing, especially if you want to do it well. Bad dubs ruin a game fast, to the point where there are games I’ve muted rather than listen to them (thankfully, those are much rarer these days.)

Shirley’s the best. Even beyond the novelty of “elderly Youtube gamer”, it’s great to see someone who enjoys gaming without a care in the world for all of the cynicism and dickwaving of the community. Just pure enjoyment of the medium.

Some say she started when she was 20 and still hasn’t done all the side quests!

I hope they’ll find the origin of that problem!

Real question, not a joke: why is he bothering? His supporters don’t pretend to care about us, he damn sure never has, and he can’t really think any negro outside of Sheriff Selfhating Asskisser’s family will vote for him. Why spend a second on this speech? It’s done. At this point, I envision even Ben Carson will

He isn’t trying to play to black voters. He is pretending to play to black voters so white voters that he has horrified with his open racism will give him a second chance - “oh look, maybe Donald isn’t a raging racist asshole after all, I guess I can vote for him without having a guilty conscience.”

Some days this election makes me wonder if I’ve inadvertently taken acid and I’ve just been on a bad trip for like a year.

“There ya go.”

No, the absolute best Chick Tract is called “Wounded Children” about a boy with a negligent father who gets lured into downward spiral of perversion by hunky demon that ends with him dying from cancer*.

It’s one of those Chick Tracts that were pulled from distribution, supposedly because it’s unintentionally (?)

This hangs in my office where people can’t see it from outside.

...And more concerning, perhaps, are the Dugtrios buried in people holes.

Yeah, beyond compensation considerations, this explains some of the really lackluster voice acting out there.

If car dealerships don’t charge for test drives then Game really don’t have much of an excuse.

The sales in VR headsets should make up for the costs that you’ve listed, if they don’t, then just don’t demo the product in the first place cos it’s a waste of time.

Counterpoint: If people are going to buy it cheaper elsewhere you’re not going to get their money regardless. Charging for the experience just justifies their choice of shopping elsewhere in their mind.

It’s not a service. It’s a demonstration to see if you want a product.

It’s not a scandal, it’s stupid. If you want to know why it’s stupid, then study Diffusion of Innovations. It’s a widely accepted and well regarded theory about how ideas evolve and spread.

Don’t ever pay to be marketed to.

He flies under the radar because he looks like a racist ghost who died during plastic surgery.

Lady Gaga is a musician. Madonna is a performer. Dismissing Gaga’s musical talent over her (weaksauce) gimmicks is missing out on her serious pipes and musical training. Madonna can’t sing for shit and never could.
