Yet you’re allowed to become a priest, tell vulnerable people that they’re sinners and going to suffer forever as a result, and then hold out your hand for a tithing?
Yet you’re allowed to become a priest, tell vulnerable people that they’re sinners and going to suffer forever as a result, and then hold out your hand for a tithing?
A lot of you are talking smack about these cultural superstitions without being part of the culture and understanding what these traditions mean. You guys are now cursed for insulting these ancient traditions, but fortunately for you I am in a forgiving mood and will break the curse on your bloodline for a small…
But the church can still promise salvation and pass around the collection plate right?
“America: Singlehandedly Making Brexit Look Not So Bad On The ‘Fucking Disaster’ Scale”
This reminds me of when I was a nurse in a locked inpatient elderly psych facility. We had a policy that if a patient completely lost their shit we’d call and have them shipped over to the ER for assessment. Psychotic breaks in elderly psych patients can be because of things like urinary infections or other health…
My favorite when my teammate was talking shit about me after a close loss on Route 66... I said, “I had 3:50 of objective time” to which he replied, “Oh Congratulations! You sat on a cart.”
Payload!... paaaayload... payload payload payload!
Newsflash: Guy attempting to make living playing video games is socially awkward and lacks respect for woman. News at 10.
The English measurement system is so stupid we should all facepalm ourselves for continuing to use it.
It annoys me no end that my fellow Americans do not understand how simple the metric system really is. This is what comes of not learning science. Americans over-complicate their lives with stupid measurement systems.
To be fair you guys really should adopt the metric system it makes WAY more sense.
That Anderson Cooper. You give him a centimeter, and he’ll take a mile.
Also a real quote from about 6:15.
“We don’t care!” yelled supporters in the crowd
PieMan or whatever his name is
“This Winston controller, though, is bananas.”
I’m gonna assume she/you are talking about FF9? If so, totally understandable lol.
It said HIS mother, not yours.
It takes a few moments to complete the shift out of “Tired Adult” to “Enthusiastic Mother”.