
Then you can pry the Cool Ranch from my cold dead degenerate hands.

if only i could connect with other people in the way corporations connect with me

It’s 40$... You’ll save the additional 10$ in gas money from not going anywhere for a while since you’ll be playing Overwatch :D

The meme came naturally, and it was so popular that Gremlin D.Va was incorporated into the game about 1-2 months after the fact.

Yeah but they are in the movie business.

Oh my a labcoat Mercy would be the cutest thing ever.


I know what happens when you play a sport. In High school I heard better trash talk than this. It’s unoriginal and boring. Nobody ever told me to go die, or to get raped, or anything like that when playing football or basketball. It was more of a comment on my skill, or how they were gong to keep beating me until

Thank you for your feedback. Hopefully at least one of the comics made you giggle!


“This makes sense if you’ve read the novels/extended universe

My wife and I just bought our first gaming PC last weekend, and we immediately plugged it into our 60 inch tv in the livingroom. Life is too short to not play all games on a 60+ inch tv.

Apps for games I own, nope, not going to download, I really do not care.

Need a new bikini streamer? Why not Zoidberg?

As a lady, I will NEVER date a dude who isn’t into gaming. I’ve dated a couple dudes who casually played games on pc from time to time but it sucks when your biggest passion can’t be matched by your SO.

I love playing Symmetra against people who underestimate her. Her primary attack fucking MELTS anyone and everyone when it’s fully charged. I’ve gotten a quad kill once with that sucker.

That’s idiotic. You don’t turn away over a third of your sales, especially not when it comes down to an easy, inexpensive fix, or a modest investment in creating a quality port.

Really, at this point, if you are going to port to PC, it should be done right. Have devs learned nothing from WB’s mistakes?

