Did they seize the baby’s candy for lack of payment?
Did they seize the baby’s candy for lack of payment?
That should be illegal. Straight up fucking illegal.
I had an emergency c-section 7 months ago. When I got my completely insane hospital bill that my insurance refused to cover one penny of (close to $130k). I was questioning why the anesthesia wasn’t covered. Turns out I had neglected to ask which group the anesthesiologist was in. Silly me, being wheeled into surgery…
Dude, what kind of idiot today doesn’t know the difference between they’re, there and their? Typo? You should have a violent reaction to such typos, inherently. Instinctively throw your computer screen down on the floor. Throw your laptop at that endangered albatross because it was asking for it flying that way. Flush…
It’s a really sad world we live in when an imaginary person’s imaginary outrage makes you sad about the world we live in.
A rickroll?!
Again, the idea of human beings getting invested in the fates and lives of fictional characters is as old as humanity.
Have you never read a book or watched a movie or TV show and wished that say, a character in a love triangle chose the other person instead? Have you never thought about a single friend and gone “They’d be perfect with so and so.” Fantasizing about the possibility of two people falling in love (or just having sex)…
And he makes the same weird white people movies over and over and over...
Look, his imagination can only go so far. It can contain a pumpkin king, a headless horseman with a pumpkin head, some other pumpkin things, but that’s where he draws the line. Gourds and squash, yes. People of color, that’s a little too oddball.
Always the worst feeling in Overwatch: “Whelp, guess it’s time to die.”
That’s funny because that’s basically how she was before the buff, and her defence matrix was pretty poor.
As teenagers, we did such stupid similar things that I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about them.
I love all these, but the spotlight on the trashcan made me lose it.
Don’t think I’m ever going to be able to look at an Imp Mercy the same way again after that article about /r/HealSluts
I’m glad I’m not the only one who hates being on the business end of Ana’s ult. I definitely like having her use it—just not on me.
That’s why people have to warn others first before they boost, so they don’t get a heart attack seeing their screen zoomed and blue and hearing:
What I’m talking about is what would make the game better for me. It would have been way better if we would have had an OPTION to play it together and complete missions with friends. There was no excuse why the missions couldn’t have been co-oped, after all you could even replace Snake with some random trooper. So why…
As someone who, for the past eight years, has worked closely with dozens of young Irish women making their way in the world of International teaching, I can tell you something I believe to be quite accurate: They do not fuck around. They are tough, stubborn, kind hearted, and part of a new generation of Irish, the…
They have it relatively easy—soon we’ll have to climb a wall into México.