Hahahahahaha good.
Hahahahahaha good.
So chivalry is dead?
Crazy high.
“two knights riding horses at each other and attempting to knock the other off or break their shield with a many-feet-long rod”
It pisses me off when I’m a Mercy and I’m healing them, and they just suddenly abandon me.
*joins game
All we need is for Metallica to cosign.
Albertan here, followed this trial closely...yes these parents...the one’s that before he died took him for some “naturopathic” meds, meanwhile the child was so stiff with meningitis that he had to lie in the backseat of the car for the trip to see the quack doc, he could not bend to sit!..But lets blame the ambulance…
Accused of cheating? That's the highest form of compliment! I treat every hate msg on psn and xbl as a trophy.
You saw someone with shorter hair and that alone made you think it’s a guy? I mean she’s clearly got defined breasts in everything ever.
So you saw it like Ned “Stupid Sexy” Flander’s skiing outfit?
Oh my, a self-serving religion created by men, for men? Tell me ALL about it.
Good for the jury to see through his bullshit and laughable defense. “He was too drunk to understand his actions”. Meanwhile, this scum sucker managed to pass out condoms to the other players, took video of the crime and sent it to friends as it was going on. He was sober enough to understand not leaving dna…
Don’t be that , “I know the games been out there for 16 years and thanks for spoiling it for me!!!” types of guys!
I still haven’t bought any new consoles, my 6 year old computer can run any game perfect so its just the highway for me . yee haaa!
I’ll probably never play this mode. haha
MEI IS THE BEST, congrats on getting banned from kotaku
Maybe, but you can just as easily NOT use it.
The Last Guardian Is A Real Video Game And We’ve Played It
Even later they don’t do much...I had a missed miscarriage at 14 weeks (the fetus died but stayed in the womb). I had horrible contractions for a week along with a fever and my dr refused to see me, his receptionist told me to: “suck it up, it’ll come out eventually”. Finally my husband couldn’t take my suffering any…