Eh, I’ve played through a lot of games where I hated the gameplay just to see the story, so it wouldn’t be so weird. I just don’t want to put actual effort into it and if I can die on Easy, it sounds like I’d have to.
Eh, I’ve played through a lot of games where I hated the gameplay just to see the story, so it wouldn’t be so weird. I just don’t want to put actual effort into it and if I can die on Easy, it sounds like I’d have to.
Horizon Zero Dawn for me! I got the DLC before I got to the last main story quests so I’m hoping to squeeze a few more hours of gameplay out of it.
I mean, it makes sense...
Eh, it’s not the same, but I might have to do that.
Yeah, I hate puzzles in games. Nothing takes me faster out of immersion than seeing my RPG protagonist solve a fucking Sudoku puzzle to enter a vault with ancient technology, and I don’t enjoy solving them anyway. Maybe I should just watch a Let’s Play.
Fuck. Persona had a looooot of dungeon crawling. Thanks, this might be a no-go after all
So... would you recommend this game if someone has zero interest in the block puzzle part? I love the art style and the main story setup but I really hate this kind of gameplay. Is there a... story mode, cheat mode, anything?
I’m not a huge fan of the bird - it’s really easy to fight but the camera fucks you up anyway and it’s such a pain in the arse to have to bring it down before tackling the boss that’s actually interesting... also, the hosts who keep hitting its legs, jesus. LEAVE IT ALONE, YOU’RE GONNA MAKE IT BREATHE FIRE.
Hahah, yeah. I’ve found that a lot of people who summon in Souls games have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. Not that I mind, I love co-op bossfights in these games more than anything, so we both get to have fun. There’s a certain optional boss in DS3 (dual phase, TNK is the second part, don’t wanna spoil if you…
He’s just really fun to fight. Cool design, cool music, no bullshit attacks, he’s perfect. I think I must have grinded like 20 hours being summoned for him... the little corpse that drops a few blood vials just before the fight is enough to keep your supplies up even if your beckoner dies so I never really had to…
Man, my heart skipped a beat there, I miss Bloodborne so much... I also miss being summoned into Ludwig fights by the same person over and over again only to watch them get rekt in the first two seconds, that was fun. Ludwig was great, probably my favourite boss fight in a game ever
FYI, the lock-on change on the PTR was a bug that was introduced when they changed her targeting system and they’ve fixed it already. Her soft lock should be the same now.
History is just cool, period.
Oh I know why I did it - it’s set in Egypt and I’ve been obsessed with Ancient Egypt since I was like 5 years old, lol. Are you familiar with It’s a wonderful little search engine that allows you to search games across a loooot of licensed online game stores. You can even set up a watchlist and…
Thank fuck. I’m just a little triggered because all these are very good QoL options that they had zero reason not to have implemented by launch... I don’t buy games on release very often because they’re super expensive but when I decide to do it to reward developers and let them know that I love their game, I get an…
Oh damnit. Of *course* they add auto-level for early game enemies a week after I finish this game... also, that Nightmare mode better not have an achievement connected to it because I don’t have 70 more hours to replay this thing. *mumblegrumble* Would it really be so hard to have all the difficulty levels in the game…
I didn’t say anything about having to play on Hard, I merely recommended it, there’s no need for butthurt. If OP decides to play on Easy, that’s their preference and it’s just fine, but most of your stealth skill tree is completely useless on Normal because you don’t actually have to use it - you can just waltz into…
Nah, the question was fine. It’s the answers that are seriously wrong, bless ‘em.
Just finished it today after putting almost 70 hours into it. It’s pretty good! Would highly recommend playing it on Hard though so you can’t just roflsmash your way through guards like you can on Normal, that kinda ruins the experience.
You’re welcome! :’D