Yeah, fuck this shit. Passing on this one until I can get it for 5€ on Steam at 75% off. Congratulations, SE - this is how you alienate the fans of a series.
Ah, I see. Customer service wasn’t a big consideration for me - I’m in Eastern Europe, otherwise known as the Land of Reduced Warranties and RMA Through Blood and Tears If At All, so it’s going to be shit anyway. I recently picked up an EVGA PSU and it’s pretty neat - hope your 970 is just as good! :)
Hmm. Can you tell me what you’ve heard? I recently got a Gigabyte G1 970 and so far it’s been glorious. Can’t remember the last time I had Gigabyte hardware fail on me....
Man, I should really learn how to play gwent... then again, I have already finished the game and that probably means that I can’t get all the cards so why bother :\
Seriously. Ending the thing with Yennefer was one of my favourite moments in the game. Find another idiot to boss around, lady.
I’ll take weirdly translated dub English subtitles with Japanese voices over English VAs any day. Sure, it might be annoying to hear that some lines are off but eh, it’s still a better option for me.
Seriously. All those gwent and race quests are seriously clogging up my secondary quest list and I’m not even halfway through the game... :\
I wish I could return Prototype... haven’t played it for two hours, but I bought it ages ago so I don’t qualify. The port is a complete fucking mess and I immediately CTD once the first cutscene ends and I’m given control of my character, no amount of tricks and tips will fix it. It’s nice to know that I’ll actually…
Strange. I downloaded the game through Galaxy on launch day and it kept my 120 Mbps connection maxed out all the way. What region are you in?
Yeah, just let it slide. Really. It’s not such a big deal and you risk coming across as condescending and/or controlling.
*gently strokes SPF50+ sunscreen bottle* Oh yes. Yeeeees.
Seriously. I love dogs, they’re very cute, but having to deal with one twenty-four seven would drive me insane.
We’ll see. I bought a ruler and ordered my new PSU today (should arrive on Friday) - I’ll just measure the Gigabyte 650 Ti I currently have since I’ll be opening up the case anyway to install it. I just need to compare the measurements on manufacturers’ sites to something, hah.
Yeah, I agree on the potion thing. I love Witcher 2 but having to drink potions *before* battles was a really poor design decision IMO - I often ended up running into enemies, reloading, taking my potions then going to fight them again. (Not that they’re that necessary, most fights seem to be doable without them, but…
Yeah, I’m planning to get a decent one myself - now I only have to worry about the size of the 970 :\ All the models that got good reviews are huge and I’m kind of wondering if they will fit in my case. I really need to buy a ruler and check how much space I have...
Fuck... the game’s almost out and I haven’t even updated my PSU, not to mention finally ordering the 970... Thanks for the reminder!
I’m not sure how the whole friend adding system is supposed to work right now... add someone from the Store section, what? Just give me an option to punch the username in, damnit!
Hah... same here, really. I’m a lesbian and I also roleplay as myself on my first playthrough, but Aloth is just... yeah, what can I say? He’s purdy and his fidgetiness is really endearing. The whole “woobie with abuse in his past” thing doesn’t hurt either! (Oh, video game characters...)
Like Mike said, there are screws there. Hold the center of the glass part with one hand, use a screwdriver to get the screws out, twist the glass once all the screws are gone. It’s actually pretty easy. Just make sure all the screws are back in place and holding tight when you’re done!