
Well, the sound can be pretty gross, I'll give you that... but the taste? You hate that, too? Oh noes! ;___;

Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

I'm kinda glad they went for the bulkier armours - ME1's suits have always felt a bit unconvincing and ridiculous to me, something out of a cheap TV sci-fi movie. This time, they actually looked like armour.

I think I developed carpal tunnel just from watching these gifs...

Yes, because admitting that ME3 looked like crap means that I don't have any "respect" for gaming. Riiiight. They improved a little, sure, but that's about it - ME3 was a visual disappointment and nothing will change that. Not that it matters, because it was still an awesome game, but c'mon now.

Yeah, seriously. This year's games are going to eat my 650 Ti alive...

Meh, I absolutely love the Mass Effect series but the graphics left a lot to be desired - the games were playable, sure, but they were kinda ugly. Not horribad, but still ugly. I still remember how disappointed I was when the ME3 demo came out - it's like they didn't even try.

Yes. But do it anyway!

Why do they always do that. Why.

Yeah, seriously. Controllers can be really hard to get used to, even if you've gamed with a mouse all your life and have no problems with FPS games otherwise - navigating a 3D world with the sticks can be a pain in the arse, no way a non-gamer will get it right without a lot of practice.

Ye gawds, that fight scene in MGS4. I remember watching a friend play it for the first time (I had literally no idea about the Metal Gear series, I've always been a PC gamer so I was very confused by the sudden appearance of the Romanian flamenco vampire and the break-dancing cyborg ninja) and my first thought was

Oh wow, thanks for the spoilers. A warning would have been nice.


also... not cool, dude. what the hell.

My brain reads "Thi4f" as "Thifauff". So much spitting going on.

Eh, she sounds like an ass. Doing something that makes my coworkers "scream the stupid away" would be a dick move, IMO.

...this was really, really relaxing.

Seriously. The worst are the ones that can cause physical harm if they go wrong, and that includes scare pranks - you never know if the person you're playing a prank on has a heart problem or hell, they can just trip and fall while backing off. Humans are just weak sacks of meat and it's ridiculously easy to break us.

And then they ask you if it hurt. Every. Single. Time.

Yeah, I tend to consider people who play pranks on those who don't appreciate them to be assholes. Being entertained by someone else's pain/surprise/terror - how fucked up is that?

I'm not sure the game has aged well and I don't want to ruin the memory of the Drakan games if it hasn't... we'll see. (That is, if my PS2 still works.)