I had no PS2 back then so I have no idea about the sequel. :C Man, a reboot of this series would be so great. How friggin' awesome would that dragon look with today's tech?
I had no PS2 back then so I have no idea about the sequel. :C Man, a reboot of this series would be so great. How friggin' awesome would that dragon look with today's tech?
What if I liked oiling my dragon? It's a healthy part of sexual develop- oh. hem
I... I liked it...
I desperately wanted to like this game, I really did. I was so happy when they announced that they're making an AC game with a female protagonist and when they finally ported it to PC, it was a day one purchase. Worst decision ever. I wouldn't mind the weirdly ugly graphics (it's only a port from a handheld, after…
Haul on the Plunkett, homeward we are going,
Nah, "moist" is definitely worse than "feucht". Feucht just sounds funny, IMO.
That is the most beautiful one-word comment I've ever seen.
Spoken like a true zealot!
English is a world language - it's only normal that you accomodate tourists. Hungarian public transport has Eglish signs everywhere (even if it's otherwise shit), and that's exactly the way it should be.
Play the PC version if you can. The port's pretty good and the framerate isn't capped at 30 FPS like on consoles.
Nah. It's my favourite FF game.
Oh my god yes. I can't decide if I'm attracted to her or if I want to be her when I'm older. (Probably both!)
Yeah, seriously. The best period panties are black, everyone knows that.
No one gives a shit about gay females, apparently. :P
Not gonna lie, "Nanomachines, son" made me gigglesnort in a really disgusting way.
Seriously. Not everyone can afford to buy a console that they wouldn't otherwise use for a short-ass game. I mainly game on PC, but if I were rich, you bet I'd buy all available consoles for the exclusives I'm interested in. It's not going to happen unless I win the lottery, though. I'm not sure why this is so hard to…
I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at this guy. But I am.
Seriously. Fans of the oldschool DMC games need to fucking get over themselves. Yes, we get it, it's different. Doesn't mean it's RUINED FOREVER!!!!!1"
...there are no words for this